Friday, August 1, 2008

The world according to Ender...

So, yesterday I tried to keep track of all the words misused by Ender. He likes to take existing words and use and define them in his own way. Whenever he uses a word I have heard but he uses it in his own way, I ask him to define the word. These are a couple words I learned from E yesterday...

"Fashion" means beautiful and is used in the following context: "Kindle and Solace are fashion."

"Inspirational" means comfortable and yesterday was used in this context: "Mom, I love the new booster seat it is very inspirational!"


Jen said...

That's awesome. I'm glad that you ask him to define the words he uses. Make sure you write them all down for future entertainment.

Andrea Griggs said...

He's a crack up!! I agree, though, Ender-Kindle and Solace ARE fashion!

Stefanie said...

Eulogy!!!! he's one step away from having a career as a profession learing to misuse works is the most important part. Although, it is traditionary for the athlete to acutally make up their own words -- but he's well on his way.

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