Saturday, October 20, 2007

Enderton's in Spokane: the Gondolas

For the first time, we rode the gondols at River front park. Dad wasn't with us (he wouldn't have liked it anyway based on the heights issue...), But here we are:

Spence and the kids on the ride over the falls This is Cathy, Wes, and Armour on the other one.
Ender LOVED it!!!
Beautiful Spokane falls.
Another look in the other gondola.
The falls

A look at Wes, Cathy and Armour's gondola going back up
In our gondola

More pics from my parents visit:Riverfront park.

This duck was totally checking us out! (Wes has informed me it is a goose checking me out.) Waiting to go on the carousel
On the carousel

Friday, October 19, 2007

Today's secret ingredient is...

Many of you know that I love to cook, and I am relatively good at it. I usually cook pretty elaborate meals for dinner every night. I always feel like I am selling out or cheating when I make a casserole or spaghetti, or anything easy really. However, many of you also know that I am pregnant, and for some sad, sorry reason this pregnancy has been really painful and tiring as I have an ovarian cyst (and a couple other "little" things). So, the point in mentioning that is that now I feel good if I actually get something like spaghetti on the table. Another symptom of this pregnancy has been that nothing is settling well, or even sounding good to eat.

That all said, can I just say, Campbell's tomato soup is the tastiest, most versatile ingredient ever! I used to think Cream of Mushroom soup was the be-all-end-all, but now I am liking the soup-cannot keep it in my house I am using it so much. It is great on noodles, with various meats (chicken and hamburger work well), or as a dip for sandwiches, or just to eat on it's own! Awesome, and I highly recommend using it, and using it often!

Campbell's soup is mmm...mmm...good!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

I've been tagged (About time...) :)

I guess since I read this on Andrea's blog, I have been tagged, so here goes. ..

If you are reading this then you have to copy and paste and update your blog with your answers. (or email me if you don't have a blog). I will be checking. . .

1. Who is your man? Dr Johnson (aka Wes)
2. How long have you been together/married? 6 1/2 years
3. How long did you date? From Jan 6, 2001 on...(we were engaged on Feb 3 or 4 and married May 17)
4. How old is your man? He's practically a baby...28
5. Who eats more? Beckee
6. Who said I love you first? Wes
7. Who is taller? Wes
8. Who sings better? Wes
9. Who is smarter? We're both brilliant.
10. Who's temper is worse? Probably mine
11. Who does the laundry? I do usually, but he's not opposed to doing it!
12. Who does the dishes? See answer 11
13. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Wes
14. Who pays the bills? Me
15. Who has bigger feet? Wes
16. Who has longer hair? Me
17. Who is better at the computer? We're both pretty good.
18. Who mows the lawn? We have no lawn, and never have...
19. Who cooks dinner? Depends on who's home and available at the right time..
20. Who drives when you are together? We trade off-usually Wes
21. Who pays when you go out? Doesn't matter-all comes from the same account-usually me though, cause if we are out, it is usually because I am secret shopping...
22. Who is most stubborn? Me
23. Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? We're never wrong
24. Whose parents do you see the most? We don't keep track of that, but try to keep our visits about equal.
25. Who kissed who first? Wes kissed me first-with much flirting on my part.
26. Who asked out who? We were set up, then I made up a date for our second date, so I guess I asked on that one...
27. Who proposed? Wesley
28. Who is more sensitive? Me
29. Who has more friends? About equal
30. Who has more siblings? Wes
31. Who wears the pants in the family? Wes

Monday, October 15, 2007

All Grown Up and Getting Married!


Well, Wesley's baby sister is all grown up and getting married! Congrats Jessica and Bret!

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