Monday, December 31, 2007


60 Things You Possibly Didn't Know About Me [But Now You Do]

1. What is in the back seat of your car right now? It is a mess of lots of crap-and this is a bit of an unfair question as we just drove home yesterday from Utah.
2. When was the last time you threw up? Pretty much every time I brush my teeth this pregnancy-toothpaste makes me sick this time sadly...
3. What's your favorite word? Phalange.
4. Name 3 people who made you smile today? I have to pick 4-Wes, Solace, Ender, Armour
5. What were you doing at 8 am this morning? Sleeping.
6. What were you doing 30 minutes ago? Checking my email for the first time in a week.
7. How many first cousins do you have? Um...lets see...on my dad's side I have 17 (Actually there are many more than that with step cousins, but I am not sure how many, so I am just doing my full non-step cousins) and on my mom's side I have 9, so like 26. If I count all of Wes's cousins though, that would be a ton (I think he has like almost 40 first cousins).
8. Have you ever been to a strip club? NO
9. What is the last thing you said aloud? Ender please don't open that present right now.
10. What is the best ice cream flavor? Cherry Garcia and Peppermint are the only ones worth eating (well, I recently like cookie dough as well)
11. What was the last thing you had to drink? Fresca
12. What are you wearing right now? Black pants, a striped long sleeve shirt and my new warm leopard pattern robe and slippers (it is freezing!!!) BTW-shout out to Mel-thanks for the awesome robe-I LOVE it!!
13. What was the last thing you ate? Many Many Clementine oranges as Armour keeps peeling them and bringing them to me to eat (they are now up too high for him to get.
14. Have you bought any new clothing items this week? Yes-a dress fro Jecca's wedding.
15. When was the last time you ran? Thursday I spent a great deal of my time at the temple and the reception running after me kids.
16. What's the last sporting event you watched? The last Utah football game.
17. Where was your favorite vacation? I loved going to Hawaii, Greece, and Disneyland!
18. Who is the last person you sent a comment/message? Wes.
19. Ever go camping? Yes
20. Do you have a tan? Not currently
21. What did (or will) you name your first daughter? First son? Next child? Solace, Ender (my second son was Armour FYI), and we don't know what we will name the next one...Maybe Savannah if it's a girl. and maybe Creighton if it's a boy...
22. How often did you go on dates when you were in high school? In college? High school about 2-3 times a week, College much more than that-almost every night, but there were so,e drought times, so probably an average of 4-5 times a week...does that sound bad?!
23. Where was your first kiss? A New Years Eve Party when I was 15.
24. Do you drink your soda from a straw? As much as possible!
25. What did your last text message say? I won't go into the last one I received as it was a novel that pissed me off, but the last one a wrote said "R U still busy, or did U just forget me?"
26. Are you someones best friend? Yes (Wes better agree with that one!)
27. What are you doing tomorrow? Sleeping in after the whole New Years thing (Hopefully my children will sleep in as well!) Then I will get my house clean and make sure we are ready to go back to school and everything!
28. Where is your mom right now? Either at work or at her home making New Years Bread is my guess.
29. Look to your left, what do you see? My kitchen full of boxes of Christmas presents for me to unpack and find homes for.
30. What color is your watch? Don't were one. I just use my cell to keep time-it is black.
31. What do you think of when you think of Australia? Outback Steak House, Kangaroos, and Crocodile Dundee.
32. Ever ridden on a roller coaster? I LOVE them!!!!!! It is one of the drawbacks of pregnancy-that you cannot ride them...
33. What is your birthstone color? Blue (Sapphire)
34. Do you go in at a fast food place or just hit the drive thru? Are you kidding? I have 3 kids-always drive thru!!
35. What is your favorite number? 13
36. Do you have a dog? No, never have.
37. Last person you talked to on the phone? Wes
38. Have you met anyone famous? Yes a few famous people actually...all strange stories, but the strangest was when I met Julia Roberts. If you are lucky, I will post that story some time.
39. Any plans today? Register Wes's car in Washington, clean up, update blog, take a nap, go to WalMart for food, make New Year's Bread, Make Sauerkraut with Hot dogs (traditional New Years stuff there), Ring in the New year tonight, and make sure to Kiss Wes.
40. How many states have you lived in? Um...Utah, Michigan, Colorado, California, Nebraska, 6 I guess.
41. Ever go to college? Yes, graduated and everything!
42. Where are you right now? HOME!!
43. What are you most looking forward to in the New Year? A lot of things-new baby, new job for Wes (hopefully with better insurance), buying our first house, Solace starting kindergarten, just to name a few.
44. Last song listened to? I have no clue-I guess the one on Sesame Street that just ended.
45. Where do you wish you were right now? Somewhere warm-I'll go with Hawaii.
46. Are you allergic to anything? Yes I am.
47. Favorite pair of shoes you wear all the time? My boots from Wes, and my new shoes Wes got me for Christmas.
48. Favorite board or card game to play? Currently I LOVE Killer Bunnies.
49. Are you jealous of anyone? No
50. Is anyone jealous of you? No
51. Do you love anyone? Yes
52. Do any of your friends have children? Most do.
53. Do you eat healthy? 90 percent of the time.
54. What do you usually do during the day? Clean, take care of children, cook, run errands, (after I sit around and eat bon bons all day of course) you know, the usual stay-at-home mom stuff.
55. Do you hate anyone right now? No
56. Do you use the word 'hello' daily? Yes, I think so-though I certainly use "Hi" more often.
57. Who do you talk to on the phone the most? Wes
58. How old will you be turning on your next birthday? This is frightening to admit...30...
59. Have you ever been to Six Flags? No
60. How did you get one of your scars? Taking the garbage out on my 12th B-Day. NO one told me it had broken glass in it and as the bag swung past my leg, the glass slashed it open. Pretty bloody and gory and gross!!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Best White Elephant gift ever!

Well, I thought you might all want to see what Wes got as a white elephant at his work party (well, technically I got it as I had to steal it back for Wes after Andersen stole it from him). It is hilarious and I just wanted to share it with you all. The first part included was this book:

Wes read aloud a page from it and had us all laughing so hard we almost pooped our pants...Well, maybe not really pooped our pants, but everyone was laughing hysterically! The other part of the gift was this bumper sticker:

Made even funnier by the fact that a friend told me that her friend actually got out of a speeding ticket the other day because she really did need to poop and told the cop that is why she was speeding...

Someday I hope you all get the pleasure of hearing Wes read aloud from his new treasure!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Wow! I am HOT!!!

Well, many of you know e well, and most of you probably know that one thing I don't like a lot or handle well is spicy food. Well, that said, since we have moved to Spokane, my husband has introduced me to Thai food, and I LOVE it! LOVE it!! One thing I really have liked about it is that Thai food is spicy, but most restaurants let you pick the spiciness level you want. Well, last night Wes had an applicant to his program that he was taking out (I get to go too), and I really wanted Thai food. (I assume that since I was craving it, the baby must need it). So, Wes asked the applicant if he liked Thai food, and he did, so we went to a Thai place in town. Their menu says, and I quote,

"Each entrée can be fine tuned to your preferred palette on our special spice scale of 0 to 5 (with 5 being the spiciest). Whether you prefer your food hot & spicy or mild yet flavorful, we can suit any entrée to your desires."

So, if you know my husband, you know that he is my opposite in my spiciness thing-he LOVES spicy-really, really spicy. Usually when I order Thai food, I get 0. But this time I was daring and I went for the level 1, Wes of course ordered 5, and the applicant ordered a 4. Well, our food came, and honestly, I was trying to just let Wes and the applicant talk and I was trying to just be pleasant and to contribute where I could (which wasn't much). So, I got my food and noticed that they served it with carrots and bean sprouts and lime and I thought, "wow there must be a big difference between 0 and 1 because none of that came with the 0 level". But I was going to eat it anyway (and stay pleasant). I also noticed there was a lot of little red chilies on top.

I took the first bite, my eyes watered up, my nose started to run, my lips went numb, and I obviously downed a whole glass of water and grabbed the waitress and told her to get me more water NOW (please). Still determined to eat this (and actually liking the flavors though it was a bit too spicy for me), and to remain pleasant, I put the lime over it, grabbed some rice to mix in, and mixed int he carrots and bean sprouts, and continued to eat my meal with the watering nose, eyes and numb lips. I was brave and I totally ate it, pregnant and all! The applicant was sitting across from Wes and I and he kept looking at me quite concerned through the meal, but I remained pleasant and did not complain.

Come the end of the meal, we took the applicant back to the hotel, then I mentioned my problem to Wes, well, he said his food had NO spice at all, and I looked at the receipt and figured out that they had given Wes the level 1 and me the level 5!!! That's right ladies and gentlemen, I withstood a level 5 Thai meal, and even kinda liked it! I AM hot!!!!

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Santa came to our ward...

Solace and Ender LOVED it! Armour, not so much! He was a bit afraid of Santa and wouldn't even go to him. I had to have Solace hold him to even get him to go close for the picture. Nice...

Christmas Programs

Two nights ago S and E had their preschool program. Solace said a line and they both sang all the songs. It was great (I forgot my camera of course). But Ender was a star and Solace was a shepherd in it.

Last night we went to the ward Christmas party where we had dinner, the kids nativity program, and a visit from Santa. In this program, Solace had a scripture to say: Luke 2:1 "And it came to pass in those days, there came a decree from Ceaser Augustus that all the world should be taxed." She had a hard time remembering the words "Decree" and "Ceaser Augustus", but memorized it weeks ago and has been practicing non stop. Here is a video of the performance last night.

And with this huge blog, I am caught up: Johnson Grandparents visit part 4: Bowl and Pitcher

And this is where we got the most awesome pictures, so please excuse the long blog, and enjoy the Johnson family in pictures.
Everyone but me. Come on Grandma
Throwing action shot
Intensely trying to break rocks after dad showed her how.
I just want to get in the water mom!!
Look grandma and grandpa, I am going to throw this HUGE rock in
(note the rock E can hardly carry on his own!)
Dad, this big rock makes me a bit nervous...
Look mom, I can fly!
The boys with their grandparents

Obviously, this pic shows the reason you never see pic of me.
Finally someone helps me play in the water!
Still breaking rocks...
A and dad

Success at last: Look at my designs of broken rocks!
If dad can do it...
So can we!

Johnson Grandparents visit part 3: Manito Park

We visited Manito park-there wasn't much as far as flowers, but it was still beautiful!
Everyone but me Silly faces picture
A and his dad and grandpa
This pic cracks me up! We were trying to get a pic of E and Grandma, and S snuck in behind them and posed and it turned out to be just the cutest pic ever!
Wes and his parents

And you thought I was caught up!! AKA JOhnsos Grandparents visit part 2: the DQ

So, we stopped at the DQ when Anne and Steve were visiting in November and for some reason I got a lot of cute pics there, so here they are.
Grandma and the kids A and Grandma
E and Grandpa
S and dad
Stealing dad's hat.
Growling again

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Cakes of the past

S's first birthday-Elmo S's 2nd Birthday-Dora
E's 1st Birthday-Bathtub fun
S's 3rd birthday-Princess Party E's 2nd Birthday-ShrekS's 4th Birthday-Halloween/Witch

E's 3rd Birthday-Dinosaur Volcano Island themeA's 1st birthday-Mickey Mouse-2 cakes cause he and a friend share a birthday and shared a party. But of course each kid needed their own cake to dig in to.
What would a cake blog be without including the cake I made for my dad's 50th birthday?!
My cakes aren't perfect, but they are unique and specially made for each theme and birthday. So, now do you see why Solace's cake this year feels like a major cop out?!

PJ Party

So. Solace had a Pajama party for her birthday on Saturday. It was great. We made breakfast (I use the word We loosely there as the truth is that Wes made breakfast), then decorated pillowcases, made cereal necklaces, and ate cake and ice cream. It was a great party! Here are the pics (There are no cake pics as I did not make one this year-I just bought one at Wal Mart that she thought looked good-total cop out! Maybe I will post the past cakes in another blog just so I feel better...) Enjoy the pictures!

My attempt at a pic of all three kids smiling and looking at the camera before the party started. This was the closest I got... S & E in front of her poster about her from school.
The birthday girl!
Running around at the beginning while we waited for more kids to arrive (note dad in the background cooking).
Two buddies with their cereal necklaces. FYI, this pic is funnier if you know that the only way I could get them to look up was to take the bowl of cereal and hold it up above the camera. That is what they are both looking at!
Opening presents. Wow-her friends were generous!
Blowing out the candles.
Eating cake and ice cream.

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