Friday, October 17, 2008

Happy Birthday Baby Ender!!!

Yesterday was my adorable (and well named) nephew, Ender's birthday! He is a terrible two-yr-old now. Though he doesn't sound too terrible! We wish we lived closer so we could know him better, but we love to talk to him on the phone and we love reading about him on his mommy's blog. I love the story of the aquaphor and the photos of the child asleep in the pillows! Ender is a great kids an he is growing like a weed! He will make a great big brother in December and we love him and wish him a happy (late) birthday! Some favorite things about Ender form my kids:
Armour: "I no want to tell him happy birthday! I just wanna yook at the picture of baby Ender-I yike the blond hair like me on him." And a few minutes later "Happy Birthday to You!!" (Said loudly, with a huge smile, and his arms raised high-followed by singing the Happy birthday song over and over)
Ender: "Happy Birthday cute little Prince!"
Solace: "Baby Ender you are cute and nice. Happy Birthday!" (She actually made up a tune to this and is singing it over and over.)
Kindle: "Ahhhhhh. Hi!"

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

About Wes's mission...

In case it was unclear, Wes's mission is to get family to come visit for Thanksgiving...

I would add that though we would love to have family (or friends) stop by for Thanksgiving, it is an open invitation-anytime! Seriously, anytime, you are welcome!! (Just give me a day or 2 warning so I can clean)!

I would also add that we live in the middle of the country...if you are driving across the country you would like basically be driving past our house on I-80. (Ok-so not right off I-80, it is about 1.5 miles off the freeway)

That is all for now!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Wes: A man with a mission...and a blog.

Wes has a blog. It is listed on my sidebar. He was turning into quite a blogger...but now, he has not posted in like a week. This is the last thing he posted:

I just want to take this opportunity to point out an inconvenient truth. In the 5 1/2 years since I started medical school and have been living away from Utah we have made 2 visits across the country to Maryland and California in cities we had never been to before to see Mickey and Natalie (we don't even have a gps, unless Rochelle counts), 1 to see Eli and Trieste in Montana, 2 to see Tyson and Lindsey in Colorado, and multiple visits back to Utah for various reasons and to visit everyone there. I hate to report it, but aside from visits from G. G. and Great Grandpa, my parents and my little brothers and sisters (not Tyson), no one else has come to visit (Beckee's family has visited extensively, and are more than welcome to visit any time). This is an open invitation for Thanksgiving this year. Tyson at least has an excuse. Eli and Mickey have the least excuse of all, what good is being a dentist if you can't even visit your poor resident cousin in Nebraska? Cody and Bret, you have never been here. All of my cousins are on the hook, Adam, Sarah, Laura, Cassie and the rest of you. We have a queen-sized bed in an extra room as well as two extra toddler beds and a top-bunk. There are two other big living rooms that we could set up for families and kids. The first two families to invite themselves are invited. I have Wednesday through Sunday off the week of Thanksgiving so we could actually visit. We make crispy-skin Turkey....
Love, Wes

Two theories on why he no longer blogs: First, I am pretty sure that the lack of response to his open invitation has lowered his level of blogging I am reposting our invitation on our family blog...maybe it will remind our wonderful family of the open invitation...Come on down to the Heartland and visit Wes-lets get him blogging again...

Oh yeah-the second reason for Wes's lack of blogging might be that he had to go back to work...maybe...

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