Thursday, July 26, 2007

Happy Birthday Baby A!!

Well, today is Armour's first birthday!! What a big big boy he is! I cannot believe a year has gone by so quickly, and now I have another toddler on my!! Above is a picture of him in his new borthday outfit that he got this morning! It is a camo/T-Rex outfit (picked out by he big brother). Below is him first thing this morning (he slept in a diaper only as it is so hot at night in his room!)
This is mom and the birthday boy...
This is the other two. Yes, they got new outfits too!
"Now that I am one, I thought I would start practicing for the terrible 2's...I laid on the ground and pitched a fit for quite a while after mom tried to take a picture of me-can you believe she tried to make me smile?!"
Happy Birthday Armour!!!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

It's Over...

Oh man! I just finished the last Harry Potter book, and I just cannot believe the series is over!! It is kindof sad really. But I am glad I got to read this last one before anyone ruined anything for me. That being said, I won't say anymore about it...but I can't believe it is over-what will I look forward to now?!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

E and his Carlies...

So, I have 2 friends, both named Carly, Carly Dunn and Carlie Hills. Ender loves them both. He has already decided that Armour is going to have to marry Carly Dunn's little girl, so she is called just "Carly". But Ender can't seem to call them both just Carly, so our other Carlie, is always "CarlieHills" (I write it as one word, cause he says it as if it is one word.)

CarlieHills is in our ward here, and every Tuesday is our ward's park days (like playgroup), and Carlie is really good every week about bringing treats for her kids, but not just foe her kids, but she always brings enough for all the kids to share. Well, this morning as I sat breakfast in front of Ender, he said "Mom, you said today was playgroup!" I said "yes, it is, but you have to eat your breakfast before we go to it. And he said, "Mom! It playgroup! CarlieHills will bring me treats! I can just eat there!"

It was hilarious!!! (Try convincing him to eat his breakfast after that...)

Monday, July 23, 2007

Just some Disney Pics...

Here is a little bit of our crazy Trip...
This is actually our most recent family pic-taken at Manito park by Mel before we left Spokane.
I may be sick, but I will still smile for the camera.Mom, I hate this place...(little did he know this was just the beginning...)Sick in the car.At the hotel in PrimmSoaking Wet!
XiaXia and Papou (and a Mickey pretzel, of course)
XiaXia Drives Cathy around.
Oh man-Uncle princess?!
Prince and Princesss (and mommy in back)
Character Breakfast
Character breakfast
Teenage Trio of Trouble!! :)
Teens with Aunt Cathy
Teens with Aunt Kris The kids ride with their uncle
Splash Mountain-they loved this ride!
Well, When there's nothing else to do...
Not happy to be STILL in the car...At least she looks comfy...The traffic we were stuck in for hours...

Sunday, July 22, 2007

The problem with "High School Musical"

OK-so here is the problem with "High School Musical." It gives the impression that things like being smart or playing a sport are real talents that people have to work to deveolp and perfect, but somehow drama/music is just something anyone can do. Any random kid in the school can just stop by auditions and accidently be discovered and get the lead in the musical. And the "drama kids" are just snotty, untalented kids, although they have presumably been developing and working on their acting and singing skills/talents as much as the basketball kid has been practicing basketball, or as much as the smart girl has been studying. As if their skills and talents are jsut nothing? And I know people love to pretend that the real point of the movie is that "We're all in this Together" as the song suggests, but I thinik the real point is that no matter how many different activities and groups you could be part, there is really only a few kids that end up taking over ALL the main parts of every group. The groups mesh in that the same kids take over all groups...and push everyone else out...This really pisses me off as a "drama geek." I guess all those years of voice lessons, acting classes, dance classes, and experience performing were all for naught as it is apparent that any joe schmo off the street can come in and do all that stuff with no training whatsoever...

Also. the way they portray drama teachers is pathetic, embarassing and offensive. In my years I have had many many drama teachers, worked with many drama teachers, and of course been a drama teacher (at the school where they filmed this movie I might add...), and I have never, NEVER seen a drama teacher (or any teacher for that matter like the one on this movie. I am not an idiot, so I can see the stereotype joke they are going for, but they missed the mark by miles, and it is pathetic-pathetic writing, pathetic directing and pathetic acting (if you can call it that). AWFUL!!

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