So, I have 2 friends, both named Carly, Carly Dunn and Carlie Hills. Ender loves them both. He has already decided that Armour is going to have to marry Carly Dunn's little girl, so she is called just "Carly". But Ender can't seem to call them both just Carly, so our other Carlie, is always "CarlieHills" (I write it as one word, cause he says it as if it is one word.)
CarlieHills is in our ward here, and every Tuesday is our ward's park days (like playgroup), and Carlie is really good every week about bringing treats for her kids, but not just foe her kids, but she always brings enough for all the kids to share. Well, this morning as I sat breakfast in front of Ender, he said "Mom, you said today was playgroup!" I said "yes, it is, but you have to eat your breakfast before we go to it. And he said, "Mom! It playgroup! CarlieHills will bring me treats! I can just eat there!"
It was hilarious!!! (Try convincing him to eat his breakfast after that...)