Monday, July 23, 2007

Just some Disney Pics...

Here is a little bit of our crazy Trip...
This is actually our most recent family pic-taken at Manito park by Mel before we left Spokane.
I may be sick, but I will still smile for the camera.Mom, I hate this place...(little did he know this was just the beginning...)Sick in the car.At the hotel in PrimmSoaking Wet!
XiaXia and Papou (and a Mickey pretzel, of course)
XiaXia Drives Cathy around.
Oh man-Uncle princess?!
Prince and Princesss (and mommy in back)
Character Breakfast
Character breakfast
Teenage Trio of Trouble!! :)
Teens with Aunt Cathy
Teens with Aunt Kris The kids ride with their uncle
Splash Mountain-they loved this ride!
Well, When there's nothing else to do...
Not happy to be STILL in the car...At least she looks comfy...The traffic we were stuck in for hours...

1 comment:

Andrea Griggs said...

HOLY CRAP!!!! That traffic picture is incredible! I'm sorry you had to drive through that, especially with 3 young children. Way to go-you're such a grown up!!

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