Friday, February 29, 2008

I root for 2 teams...

Yesterday afternoon, our little family decided to go for a little walk. As we passed Gonzaga, we heard the announcement from the baseball stadium that the Zags vs BYU game was about to begin. Being the massively impulsive people we are, Wes and I thought, "Great-let's take the kids to the game-it'll be fun." So, we walked to the stadium and bought tickets. The kids had a blast and Ender particularly loves watching for all the lefties. BYU's pitcher was a leftie as were quite a few batters. Ender is taking quite a bit of pride in his left-handedness now! However, having done this unplanned, we were also unprepared, and as it got to be dinner time about 3 1/2 innings in, the children all began to lose it...massively!!! SO, we had to leave and walk the mile back to the car. It was crazy.

The cool thing was that Wes got a homerun ball and the kids (yes, I include Wes in that in this context) we so excited to have gotten it!!! Also, the whole experience made me think of my dad as we found ourselves rooting more for Gonzaga (BYU had a really crappy game), so I thought, "Well, my whole life I have worked off the philosophy of my dad's shirt that reads 'I root for 2 teams-Utah and whoever plays BYU', I guess this is no exception!" :)

The kids and the fed up dad as the total meltdown of the children began...
The baseball field/game going on...
Final Score 19-12 for the Zags.

A few more house pictures

The house was inspected today, and the realtor sent us a few more pictures, so I thought I would share again.

The Front-a much better pic than the other one. Front from the drive way.
Bedroom 1 (will probably be the boys room) kinda small, but will work.
Bedroom 2 (probably the girls room, also a bit small but will work!)

Master bedroom-looking good!

Master bedroom looking into the master bathroom.
Living room

Backyard including the fence.
Side/back yard.
Across the street
Down the street one way
Down the street the other way.
Looking good-I am excited!!!

Funny story of days gone by...

I was just looking through the pictures in my album from my cell phone, and saw these two and had to share. Months ago when my in-laws were visiting, we took them to the river. While we were there, we were looking out over a bridge and Armour, who was being held by his daddy kicked his left shoe over the edge and into the river. We could see it bobbing there and he was freaking out for his dad to go in and get it. Wes seriously considered this as it was Army's only pair of shoes at the time, but in the end decided to follow the rules of the river (and not put his life in danger), and did not go after it. It was a crazy, and funny little thing when it happened, and thank goodness for my in-laws who took us to get him new shoes right away! The pictures are of Army's reaction, and of the shoe bobbing in between a couple rocks there (that one is hard to see I know).

Happy Leap Day!!

I simply cannot let Leap Day pass without noting it!! It is far too cool! Also, Happy Birthday to any leap year babies that may be reading this-celebrate very well today-make it last for the next few years!!
According to, this is some Leap Year info for ya...

Why Leap Years Are Used?

February 29, 2008

The year 2008 is a leap year. If you look at a 2008 calendar, you will see that February has five Fridays–the month begins and ends on a Friday. Between the years 1904 and 2096, leap years that share the same day of week for each date repeat only every 28 years. The most recent year in which February comprised five Fridays was in 1980, and the next occurrence will be in 2036. February 29, the leap day, has been associated with age-old traditions, superstitions and folklore.

What is a leap year?

A leap year is a year in which one extra day has been inserted, or intercalated, at the end of February. A leap year consists of 366 days, whereas other years, called common years, have 365 days.

Which years are leap years?

In the Gregorian calendar, the calendar used by most modern countries, the following three criteria determine which years will be leap years:
Every year that is divisible by four is a leap year;
of those years, if it can be divided by 100, it is NOT a leap year, unless
the year is divisible by 400. Then it is a leap year.
According to the above criteria, that means that years 1800, 1900, 2100, 2200, 2300 and 2500 are NOT leap years, while year 2000 and 2400 are leap years.
It is interesting to note that 2000 was somewhat special as it was the first instance when the third criterion was used in most parts of the world.
In the Julian calendar–introduced by Julius Caesar in 46 BC and patterned after the Roman calendar–there was only one rule: any year divisible by four would be a leap year. This calendar was used before the Gregorian calendar was adopted.

Why are leap years needed?

Leap years are needed to keep our calendar in alignment with the earth's revolutions around the sun.

And a few facts that I like stolen from an article on MSN today:

Usually, people born on a leap day simply choose to celebrate their birthdays on Feb. 28 or March 1. But sometimes the missing day can lead to tragedy. In the famous Gilbert and Sullivan comic opera The Pirates of Penzance, a main character is locked into a life-long apprenticeship with a pirate crew when he realizes his contract releases him on his twenty-first birthday--and because he's a leapling, that won't come around until his eighties. (This is one of my favorite leap day facts as I find that part of this show absolutely hilarious!)

And here are a few famous births on that day (from wikipedia,

1468: Pope Paul III
1904: Jimmy Dorsey (American Bandleader)
1916: Dinah Shore (American Singer)
1956: Aileen Wuornos (Serial Killer played by Charlize Theron in Monster. Theron won best actress award for this...)
1960: Richard Ramirez (Serial Killer-I only include this one because as I review Wikipedia's list, I am starting to worry that leap day is a very popular birthday for serial killers...)
1972: Antonio Sabato Jr (Actor-and finally a hot guy on the list!!!)

I hope you have enjoyed your lesson on Leap day! I know I did-and BTW-if you are still reading-way to go-you rock!!!

Monday, February 25, 2008

Why the heck not...

A friend posted this and I am doing it as well because I am bored and sick and unable to rest well at the moment!!

Tired of those same old 55 questions about me surveys?Well here are 55 I guarantee you've never answered. (Or so they say!)

1. Are you taller than your best friend? No
2. Do you have a favorite type of pen? Yes
3. Look at your planner for March 7th, what are you doing? Well, nothing actually. I had a doctors appointment that day, but I had to reschedule that, so the only other thing written in that day is that it is pay day-which probably means I will be doing bills that day...
4. What color are your toe nails usually? Usually not painted (try not to hate me Heidi...)
5. What was the last thing you highlighted? My Hair
6. What color are the curtains in your bedroom? White Blinds.
7. What color are the seats in your vehicle? Black Leather
8. Have you ever had a black and white cat? No
9. What is the last thing you put a stamp on? A check to pay off our car.
10.Do you know anyone who lives in Wyoming? Not that I can think of off the top of my head.
11. Why did you withdraw cash from the ATM the last time? No clue-it's been a while. Probably to pay a babysitter or something.
12. Who is the last baby that you held? Does Armour still count in that category?
13. Can you spell well? Somewhat.
14. Do you like Cinnamon toothpaste? Sure.
15. What kind of car were you driving 2 years ago? I think we had just bought my van, so I would have to say it was my Chevy Venture...
16. Pick one: Miami Hurricanes or Florida Gators:I just can't...
17. Last time you went to Six Flags? This is a sad, sad admission...never...
18. Do you have any wallpaper in your house? No
19. Closest thing to you that is yellow? A bowl holding frogs-it is a game Ender got at the dollar store in Hamilton.
20. Last person you gave a business card to? None to give.
21. Who is the last person you wrote a check to? An Escrow agency in Omaha
22. Closest framed picture to you? A picture of me and Wes out to eat on my birthday at a Benihana-type place.
23. Last time you had someone cook for you? Um...tonight I had a lovely Chinese restaurant cook for me, and Wes cooks for me at home all the time...
24. Do you know what you were doing the last Friday the 13th? In this case, that was July 2007, and according to my planner I had a Dr's appointment (I remember it well-seriously), Wes was on his first PM call night, and Solace had a primary party. I remember that because it was the first time we went to the hospital to eat dinner with Wes-Solace missed it as she was at the primary party.
25. How many emails do you get in your inbox daily (excluding spam)? Excluding spam probably about 5-10. With spam about 30, no joke!
26. Last time you received flowers? Don't remember-I think on my birthday and for the Heart Follies that week as well (which makes it September.)
27. Honestly, did it make you feel a little creeped out to get asked a question about Friday the 13th? No it did not, as I am not at all superstitious about it. My birthday is often on Friday the 13th...
28. Do you play air guitar? Sometimes with my kids & Wes.
29. Has anyone ever proposed to you? Yes.
30. Do you take anything in your coffee? Don't drink coffee, have tried it in my youth though, and I would have to drink it with some heavy duty sugar, cream, flavoring, the works to hide the flavor as much as possible-yuck!
31. Do you own any Willow Tree figurines? No, don't even know what that is.
32. What is/was your high school's mascot? Titans!!
33. Last person you spoke to from high school? Spoke to?! sister?! I have email and blog contact still often with Heidi though...
34. Last time you used hand sanitizer? On Sunday.
35. Would you like to learn to play the drums? No, and I pray my children will not want to for a while.
36. What color are the blinds in your living room? White-we totally live in an apartment-there is not color but white and off white in apartments.
37. How did your parents choose your name? I hear it was based a bit on the fact that my grandmother Shirley hated the name Robin, and that was originally going to be my name.
38. Last thing you read in the newspaper? I saw the headlines today when I went out to get the mail.
39. What was the last pageant you attended? Miss Teen Utah when I was like 14-my best friend was competing.
40. Where is the last place you bought pizza from? Domino's
41. Have you ever worn a crown? Often, but not as often as Solace.
42. What is the last thing you stapled? Rough drafts of the script for the road show.
43. Did you ever drink clear Pepsi? Yes, and I liked it. Probably the only Pepsi flavor I ever liked...
44. Are you ticklish? Not so much
45. Last time you saw fireworks? I don't know-maybe like New Years eve 2006-2007.
46. Last time you had a Krispy Kreme doughnut? Last week...mmm...(I actually do not like donuts generally speaking, but these last 2 pregnancies have craved Krispy Kreames a lot...)
47. Last person that im'd you, and you actually responded? Cathy
48. Last time you parked under a carport? A few hours ago.
49. Do you have a black dog? No
50. Have you ever worn colored contacts? Yes I have indeed-purple ones and blue ones.
51. Are you an aunt or uncle? Yes, I have 3 nephews and 2 nieces. Non live near us sadly though.
52. Who has the prettiest eyes that you know of? Wes followed closely by Solace, then the boys.
53. Last time you saw a semi truck? A few hours ago when I was out and about.
54. What is the last song you belted out in the car? My New Philosophy from You're a Good Man Charlie Brown.
55. Do you have a little black dress? Yes, but not one that currently fits me...actually now that I think of it, I may not even own one anymore...I will have to look into that one.

Big News!!

Last week we made an offer on a house in Omaha, and it was accepted by the seller. It is still pending our inspections and we won't close until June, so I know a lot can happen between now and then. SO, I don't want to jinx anything, but if all works out as we expect it to, this is the house we will be moving to in June. It is near a lake which we are totally excited about! It has 3 bedroom and 2 bathrooms and like I said, we are just excited about it and hope all works out! Enjoy the pics!

Montana here we come...

Well, over this past weekend we drove to Hamilton, MT to visit Wes's cousin and his family. When Wes was in Medical school in Omaha, Eli (the aforementioned cousin) was in dental school there as well, so our kids were pretty great friends. Visiting this weekend was a great time especially for the kids to get to see their cousins and play with them. They already miss them terribly since we left yesterday...Here are a few pics from the trip (again mostly taken by our little cameraman E)

This is what E looked like much of the drive there. Look at the lovely scenery he is missing...
Armour was happy to take the picture (not really this happy to be in the car, but he is a ham for the camera!!) (Notice how miserable Solace looks in the corner there)
Sol in the car drinking a Capri Sun
Solace & Madison (taken guessed it, Ender)
Eli & Trieste (Ender is quite proud of this picture he took as well)
Brynne (taken by E)
3 girls (taken by E)
Mommy (taken by E)
I commandeered the camera back and took this pic or Brynne & Ender.
Watching a movie
2 princesses
2 princesses and the small prince...
Just hanging out...
Wes & mini-Wes (seriously-could he look more like his dad?!)

A visit to the snowy lake...

A couple weeks ago on Feb 9, we met some friends, the Ursics and the Dunns in Coeur d'Alene to eat at Cafe Chulo. The Ursics had not been to the lake ever yet, so we went ahead and ventured over to the snowy lake and played there for a few minutes before we were all way too cold to continue...Here are a few pics...FYI, Ender took most of these pictures...)

Armour and Halle (taken by E)Halle, Ethan, & Armour (they are all really close in age...) (taken by E)
Solace goes after her dad (pic by Ender)
Armour sits on the cold cold cement...
Still after dad (taken by E)

Getting closer (E is still the photographer here)
Nice hit Sol!!! (And nice job capturing the shot En!!)
Look at that mischievous look...

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