Ender is really advanced for his class. There was only one other kids there that was about as far along as Ender, but that's cause he is one of the oldest ones too. He is kind-of funny. I will just share a story of his first day, and I will write it in script format, then I will let him give his take on school and the pictures. Here's the true story of Ender's first day of school snack:
Ender: "Teacher, Teacher, I am sitting nicely and waiting quietly, can I have my cookie now?"
Mrs Davey: Ender, remember, you can call me Mrs Davey, and I will call you Ender, ok?
Ender: OK, can I have my cookie now, Mrs Davey?
Mrs Davey: Let's see, who is sitting quietly to get their cookie?
Ender: (Sits silently, and looks very sweetly up at his teacher)
Mrs Davey: (all this is happening as all other children are making their way to the table still) Well, Ender, you are sitting nicely, and look ready for a cookie. Would you like to pick one out now?
Ender: Mrs Davey, are those Areol's (this is what Ender calls Oreos) that are colored white? (as he is asking this, he is putting his hand in the cookie jar)
Mrs Davey: Just take one cookie Ender.
Ender: (gripping 3 cookies in his hand, in the cookie jar) I'm just gonna take 3.
Mrs Davey: No, no, we only take one cookie.
Ender: OK, but I am going to take 3.
Mrs Davey: (very patiently) No, Ender, We are going to learn to take just one. (this goes on for about 3-4 more times, then Ender very reluctantly gives in and takes only one. By now all kids are sitting and waiting for their cookies. So she continues around the table. Ender scarfs his cookie, and as she is giving the 3rd of 7 children their cookies...)
Ender: OK, Mrs Davey, I am ready for my other cookie.
Mrs Davey: Ender, why don't you eat your grapes, then after everyone had had one cookie we will see about having one more cookie. (Ender now scarfs all his grapes and before the 5th child has gotten his 1st cookie...)
Ender: Mrs Davey, I am ready for my second cookie. (Ender gets his second cookie and begins negotiations for his third. This does not pan out and he continues to try to negotiate it all the way until school ends about 45 minutes later. He is very diplomatic in his negotiations and reminds me of his father. When I got home and told his father about this, he confirmed that this was exactly what he was like as a child. I am afraid...)
Now I will ask Ender to tell about his first day of school, starting with the pictures:
This is my smiley face waffle. I ate the bananas, then there was only a peach. I got the Winnie the Pooh plate because it was my first day of school!
This is me eating my food. I have a silly ouchie on my head because I boomed into a chair at mom's rehearsal. (mom-commentary-it was actually a table corner)This is Solace, she didn't get an ouchie. She is eating on the Elmo plate.
This is Armour, doesn't the food mommy made look good? Yes, it does.
At home before school.
We are at preschool.
This is me waving at a new guy, but he's not in my class.
I'm walking down to class, I am so sad on this one because my teacher moved! (mom commentary...He's not really sad in the picture, he's sad cause we just got home from church, and we found out that his nursery teacher is now in another ward. So, that is the "teacher that moved", and he is sad now.) This the welcome sign outside the preschool door. Mom wanted to take this picture, but I am grumpy because I just wanted to go to class and meet the teacher and the kids. But when we got there, I was the first one in the classroom. For a long time I was the only one.
I am the first one in my class and I feel good!
This, is me Ender, at recess. I am playing with a sand bucket and shovel. I am digging and I tried to make sand castles. But is was hard because it's wood chips, not sand.
This is me, Ender, and my friend. (I want mom to write his name, but she won't).
This was me working on my first project! It was great, and I love pink.
I want mom to write E-N-D-E-R. My first day was great. I played in a little bit of sand and a little bit of wood chips. We had cookies, i tried to get 3 but my teacher said I only get one. We read a song named "Who Stole the Cookies from the cookie jar" and we read a book about it too. Mrs Davey stole the cookies, but we got them back.
I liked the other kids very much, but some girls were in it. I liked them too. I have a crush on Mrs Davey, but I think she is married. One girl had a cool AB(lightning bolt)CD shirt (mom says it's like the AC/DC one adults have).
When we cross the street to the playground, we look left then right. I was the line leader and Mrs Davey was my adult.
I love school and I can't wait to go back without mom tomorrow and meet the rest of the kids in my class. I hope you love my blog!
Love, Ender