Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Are you there world? It's me, Beckee...

Hi. I often wonder why I blog as I am sure the only one that reads this is me. I was pleasantly surprised to learn I have at least a few devoted readers (Thanks Ty & Lindsey, Andrea, Melanie, and Wencel) but I can't help but wonder, are there others out there? And if so, why does nobody comment on my blogs? If you are there, just leave me a comment. You can leave comments without having a google or blogger account....maybe you didn't know that...maybe that's why no comments...or maybe my blog really is just funny to me...either way is fine. I am just wondering if anyone really reads this, and evidently being the drama queen my siblings claim I am, I seem to need audience approval-or at least audience response. SO, please comment-but remember Andrea-I SAID CURLY FRIES!!!


Anonymous said...

Hi! I like reading your blog! It is fun!


Audrey said...

I check your blog often. I like that you update it a lot... and I like that I'm in your friends list. I feel so special! :)

Andrea Griggs said...

Oh, don't worry. . . .I know you said curly fries! EVERYBODY knows you said curly fries! ;)!

Lindsey said...

You are so funny! Well, you have me and Ty's "audience approval"! Everyday during nap time I log on to my internet in hopes that Beckee has put a new posting up so I can have some comical relief for the day! (How's that?!?!)

Lindsey said...

I think I may have already commented, but my computer is freaking out! Anywho, my previous comment went something like this...
Everyday, during naptime, I log-on to my lovely internet in hopes that Beckee has posted something new. And most of the time, to my delight, this is true. And, to make it so much better, it serves as my daily dose of comical relief! (How's that?!?!)

Anonymous said...

I check your blog lots! I love your pictures and my kids do to. They love for me to read about the pictures. Autumn thought the story about Ender tracking down the wrong "bald daddy" was pretty funny.

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