Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Mommy School: The B's & C's

Do I ever do what I promise?! Man, sorry the B for Baseball lesson never made it on here. Obviously I am just putting up overviews anyway, but I thought I would do B & C today!

B is for baseball
(Please see previous post here for pictures of our field trip).

Here is what we did last week:

Monday: Read Baseball facts book (Smithsonian Baseball facts or something like that), B for Baseball worksheet (practice writing the letter B-B & b), Go to Baseball game in the evening as a family.
Tuesday: Write/Draw a book of the story about our baseball game experience, Talk about rhyming words using baseball words.
Wednesday: Draw a baseball & a bat for art activity, Draw multiple pieces of equipment and do basic addition, Shape lesson (what shapes do you see in this room, what shapes did we see at game?)
Thursday: More writing B's practice worksheets, read B books
Friday: History lesson about the National Anthem as sung at beginning of games, play baseball, all B dinner (as picked by Ender, we ate for dinner that night the following BBQ: Burgers on Buns with Bacon, Baked Beans with Bacon, Beef Brats, Baked chips, Broccoli, and bananas).

C for Caterpillar (more specifically Callie the Caterpillar)

This week is C for Caterpillar. I was struggling to pick a C theme, and over the long weekend, Wes caught a caterpillar and though it would be neat to keep him as a pet and watch him become a butterfly, so we did that, and I had my theme! Here are the plans for this week. We have already done mommy school today, and I think it will be a popular week! Ender brought out Callie (as he named our "pet") to participate today. It was funny and pictures will follow the plans. BTW lots of field trips planned this week-we'll see how that works out...

Monday: No School-Labor day. (We did take nature walks over the weekend and get the caterpillar.)
Tuesday: What is an insect? lesson plan, Read parts of a few books (The Very Busy Bugs by Jack Tickle, Joyful Noise by Paul Fleischman, and the whole Cat in the Hat book, On Beyond Bugs All About Insects by Tish Rabe), C for Caterpillar connect the dots worksheet, Play dough caterpillars.
Wednesday: Read the Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle, Lesson plan on the Life Cycle of the Caterpillar.
Thursday: Go to Library check out books on Caterpillars, read them, Practice writing C's 2nd worksheet, Caterpillar Camouflage art lesson, other C insects discussion.
Friday: Make "Where do Butterflies Come From" art project, Go to new butterfly house at zoo, Cook Cookies!

And as promised, pics from mommy school today:

Beautiful Girl + Brilliant Photographer

Ender took some pictures today. I love them and here are a few we wanted to share!

I love that his feet are really the focus here: Us

SO beautiful

Labor Day Weekend

Well, this weekend we were so excited to have Anne, Steve & Stefanie visit us. It was a jam-packed weekend of fun, and we loved visiting with them. We already miss them!! I was photographically retarded though and kept forgetting my camera, so I am counting on and waiting for Stef to upload her pics and send them to me so I can share some of the cute pics with you all. As it is, these are the 2 pictures I did get while we were at home-Armour shoved a whole donut in his mouth when I said it was time for bed and whatever was left of their treat was just going to have to go to mom or dad. SO, we got a couple pics of that. Enjoy...

Kindle eats

Ok, so technically she isn't 4 months old quite yet, but we started letting her have food once a day along with her nursing. She will be 4 months on my birthday in about a week and a half. We have these bottle like things that allow for babies to more easily and less messily eat their baby food, so the other part that is nice is that even at such a young age, she can basically feed herself when she has her food. Crazy, right?! Nonetheless, here she is feeding herself food:

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