Friday, October 10, 2008


Take that Jonny!

Will my house and my sanity survive potty training?! I think no...

Lets just say that today we started the only underwear thing-no more pull-ups...

All I have to say is that 6 poops on my couch and carpet later, and 4 pees in various hidden locations around my house, I am SOOOO done... all boy underwear in my house is in the washer, Armour is in a swim diaper, and we are about to go to Walmart to get more underwear-and emergency pull-ups for when mom has to actually take him places...

Oh and this weekend, he is all yours daddy! Enjoy!

Update: I also got chocolate cupcakes while I was there-for me, not him...

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Last Chance...

FYI-I am going Private today, so if you have been meaning to tell me you want an invite, this is your chance!!

Ah, family, & ham..Oh my!!

So, this will be about as random as they come...

First, I just wanted to note that I loved General Conference-it is so much better fighting 4 kids in my pajamas and in my own house! Also, there were a few great talks that I actually got to hear (between the fights to get 4 kids under 6-yrs-old to watch 8 hours of church). More on that later!

Second, I have been so struck lately at how fast time flies! I look at Kindle and how much she has grown and developed in her short 5 months and I am amazed and a bit saddened. She could be my last baby, and as that is a possibility, I have been really trying to notice and enjoy each and every phase and development. I have done this with the other children, but I am just so struck this time by the thought that this might be the last of my babies. It is a sad thought...but I do love watching all my kids learn and grow. It is amazing how fast it goes...I know everyone says that, but I feel it now...I really feel it...Life is passing by, and I am making sure I do not miss it!!

Third, On a much lighter tone, I have always thought of ham as the poor mans turkey. I could never understand why anyone would choose ham over turkey for a sandwich-it frankly seemed silly to even have ham sandwiches on a menu when turkey was available. Now, that said, Ender loves ham and always chooses it over turkey. Crazy! But because he loves it (and his siblings, but mostly Ender), I buy both ham and turkey when I buy deli meat. So, the other day, the turkey I love was way too expensive and there was a similar one on sale. There was also some ham on sale. So I bought a pound of each sale meat. When I got home and tried the turkey, I liked it as usual, but it somehow was not hitting the spot if your know what I mean. So I tried a piece of the ham...OH MY GOSH!!! This ham is the reason people eat sandwiches-it was SOOOO good...I have had to readjust my whole view of ham...nice to know I am still able to reassess in my old age...maybe you can teach an old dog new tricks?

Fourth, I owe you all a big catch-up blog about my kids-Solace is star of the week at school this week, Ender is becoming the world's pickiest eater and toughest student, Armour can spell his name (and there is video to prove it), and Kindle is just growing so fast now!! She can almost sit up alone, and we are pretty sure she now has a 3-word vocabulary that includes "hi," "mom," and "dad."

Oh-I better add a fifth and note that in the past 2 weeks in my stupider moments, have managed to catch rice on fire-filling my house with smoke and sending our family on an extended walk to let the house air out (after the fire was out of course). I have also run out my garage door barefoot in pursuit of an escaping child only to step on a rusty old nail. I will spare you the details at this juncture, but it made it so I had to go get a horrible, painful Tetanus shot. At some point I will blog and explain there 2 glowing moments of stupidity, for now the teaser will have to be enough.

If you made it to the end of this-kudos! Oh, and if you talk to Wes you might mention what you read cause there is no way he's reading this whole thing!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Going Private

OK, I have thought about this for a very, very long time, and I know my husband thinks I am silly to worry, but I want to be able to blog safely and securely, so I will be making my blog private. I do not want to exclude anyone from reading it-I want friends and family to be able to keep up with the happenings in our family, but I am concerned with safety as well. I want to be able to post things and know that there is a log in required to see it. I apologize for the inconvenience of having to log in. Please, please give me your email addresses if I do not have them so I can add you to my readers list!! You can send email addresses to or leave them as a comment.

Thanks for understanding! I will let this stay for a few days then I am going private. Thanks for reading and I hope you continue to!


Bringing Sexy Back Decade by Decade...

We saw this on Sarah and Paul's blog and totally had to try it. I hope the results will amuse you as much as it did us! BTW-I look just like my mom & her mom & her sisters...Could I be more XiaXia in this first one?! I will write above them what year they say the hair is from!

1954 1966
1982 (mom?!)
1994 (Angela)
And now for Wes...
with hair...

1982-oh yeah...
And here are my funny...

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