Saturday, March 8, 2008

Speaking of Armour

So, yesterday Mr Personality caused his mama quite a scare...As we went to drop the kids off at school, Armour disappeared. He and Ender were standing together to my left and I grabbed the sign in sheet for Solace's class, signed her in, looked back at the boys, and Army was not there. I quickly scanned the spacious quad area thinking he had not had enough time to leave it. Boy was I wrong. He was gone-just gone, no where to be seen. Solace's teacher got all the teachers in the quad area to check their classrooms, as Ender and I walked up to his classroom to see if he had run up there. Of course not...I returned to the quad, all the parents and teachers and most of the kids were looking all over yelling his name, and not finding him. I ran to the elevator thinking it was another favored spot he might run to. He was not there. I returned to the quad and was giving everyone descriptions of him and his outfit, Solace's teacher was in the office talking to the office manager trying to get the church to go into lock down at this point as well. Then the head room mom walked in with Armour. (Massive relief!!) Evidently she had heard a little voice from the back office areas that are supposed to be for the pastors only (or something like that) saying "mama, mama..." and went back and grabbed him.

You might wonder, was he scared? Did he learn his lesson? Well, I think he was scared before the mom found him, but once he saw me he seemed to have forgotten all fear, and no he did not learn his lesson. Thus begins the no-fear run-away period of Army's life-and my life just got even more interesting...

Thursday, March 6, 2008

All about Armour

Well, Armour has an ever growing personality (and vocabulary), and I just thought I would share a few little things about him now at 19 months.

1-He LOVES the movie Curious George! LOVES it. Anytime I want him to sit quietly for 97 minutes, I just have to turn it on-the other kids are actually getting sick of it he watches it so much! He will come up to us and loudly yell "joje" to let us know he wants to watch-seriously you have to hear how he says it-it's adorable.

2-He has figured out some of the speed dials on my phone, and pretty much every day calls my mom and says "Hi xiaxia, hi xiaxia!!" Over and over Until I tell him to say "Love you bu bye." He will not say Love you, when I try to get him to say "love", he always says "bubye dada, see ya!" I guess he associated "I love you" with dad leaving for work. It's funny...Often he calls her when I am totally unaware...he also calls my sister on occasion...

3-He loves to flush the toilet. If anyone leaves any bathroom door open in this house, we are in for it! Recently he flushed something down the toilet-we're still not sure what-and it took Wes & me like almost an hour to plunge the toilet.

4-He is not shy about letting you know if he doesn't want something. If he doesn't want to eat his food, he emphatically states "NO MEAT", if he doesn't want to give you a hug, "NO HUG" get the picture.

5-He is hilarious when he gives kisses. He somehow has determined that he thinks raspberries are kisses. It is kinda gross to get spit on each and every time he want to give kisses-but he is just trying to be loving...

6- Armour's favorite foods are meats and sweets. Getting him to eat anything else is really tough!! (He is getting batter at this recently thank goodness!!)

7-Just yesterday while Wes was watching him I am told that he decided he was wet and took his pants and diaper off and started running around the house. Maybe he needs to use the potty...

8- He is extremely loving! Solace just told me that her favorite thing about him is that when she gets hurt, he gives her big hugs, and that he loves to sit on her lap and snuggle. These are both very true statements-he loves to sit on both his siblings laps which is slightly funny as they are not that much bigger then he is.

9-He will try to squeeze his little body into anything-as I type this, he is trying to fit into a popcorn bowl.

10-He and Ender love to wrestle. Ender says it's one of his favorite things.

Basically, we have a happy, active, fun & funny littlest brother here that we all love and adore! We are excited to see what a great big brother he will be! He rocks!!!


Well, yesterday I had what will possibly be my last ultrasound this pregnancy. Just as a reminder, I had to go back for this one because my baby has been measuring big, and they are a touch concerned as Armour was 2 1/2 weeks early and just shy of 9 pounds. So yesterday's ultrasound was to check size, this one place her size at a due date of May 11th, the earliest date yet, but not much earlier than the last one. So they think baby is on a normal growth curve, still due May 25 (or something like that), and just a big baby. So, plan of action now? Just let baby grow and come when she comes. My doctor says that if my belly is measuring really big in like 4-6 weeks (when I am 34-36 weeks along), he will have another ultrasound, and we may need to at that point do an amniocentesis to see if baby's lungs are developed enough to deliver and induce then. Without an amniocentesis, he won't induce me until 39 weeks period. And neither he nor I want to do the amnio thing (really, I won't do that), so it looks like this baby won't be coming Early unless she does it on her own. This is very sad for me as I was hoping to have her around May 10 so that I would be able to have her, get everything all set to move, and have my 6 week check up before we move.

(as a complete side note and to throw in my most recent embarrassing moment...probably 2 months ago I was at a playgroup or a book club-I cannot remember which-and I was explaining this to the women there and I said "I just really want to have my sex-week appointment before we have to move." I hoped that Freudian slip might just pass by, but no, everyone in the room noticed, took note and kinda teased me about it...nice...)

Anyway, that is the baby update. I am still hoping that my little body and my little baby will go into labor early and make the timing of this birth with this move a bit easier!!! Here's to hoping...Oh BTW, the one good thing about getting more ultrasounds is that we get new pics of baby. We spent about 10 minutes trying to get a good 3-d pic of baby's face, but, as usual her arm/hand were up in the way. Here is what we got:

Monday, March 3, 2008

In case you haven't looked

Just in case anyone has not ever noticed or has not checked it out lately, I thought I'd let you know about the "choice words" section of my blog. It is along the left side of the blog, and consists of a few great words my kids have made up or funny little things they say-check it out, they make me laugh, but I get the pleasure of hearing them in actual everyday usage...

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