Friday, April 23, 2010

Happy 6th Birthday Ender!!!

On 04/05/04, our little family welcomed our first son into the world! Little Ender was well welcomed and well mothered by his older sister, Solace.

On 04/05/10, our larger family celebrated Ender's birth! By now we had added a younger brother, Armour, and sister, Kindle, to the bunch and Ender was now helping with the parenting. ;)

Lucky for our kindergartner, his birthday happened to fall on Spring Break and we were able to go to Utah for his birthday where we invited family to meet us a Chuck E Cheese for his celebration. Boy did a lot of people come! Living away from home sometimes we forget just how much famiyl we are blessed with! We felt SO lucky to have our familied there for Ender's birthday and he was happy as a clam! Thanks to all that made it out!

Please enjoy the following pictures (and commentary) from the party. I know there are a lot of pictures, but these are only about 1/4 of the ones we took...
The handsome Birthday boy
Daddy & Kindle
Cousin Tomas and Kindle watching the show
These 2 ladies know how to pose for the camera...cousin Kyara & Solace
Ender put a few tokens in this bowling machine, it did not work, I went and told the employees and they came and fixed it, gave him back a few tokens and told him that there are 22 credits on the game and Ender could have them all! JACKPOT!! We all spent a lot of time playing this fun (FREE) gamr all night. 
Armour wanted to turn in his tickets every chance he got. I think the ticket sucking machine was his favorite "game".
Kindle and cousin Heighley playing a game with Grandpa's help.
Solace, cousin Kyara and aunt Melanie taking a picture.
Cousins Jaxon and Brenden pause for a picture.
Armour really concentrated on this bowling game. He and cousin Ender were the only 2 kids that had the patience and attention span to actually play a whole game of bowling and they are both 3 (that is Tomas on the left, not Ender G).
Kindle and her other mother aka big sister Sol on a ride. You can tell Sol is trying to get me to do something for her here.
I love the next pic as you can see Uncle Spence and Aunt Melanie on the first games, and cousin Jaxon and Ender behind them on the skee ball games. We were all over the place!
Cousin Kyara
Look at that big group singing happy birthday (this is only about half or a third of the people there)
Aunt Andrea and cousin Tomas (& cousins Jaxon & Ender)
E dawg and his cake
Blowing out the 6 candle.
Here we are...
Ender and his new Wii game. If you walk to our house at any given moment, Armour or Ender will either be playing that game or crying about the fact that they had to quit playing it!
You might have to click on this one and make it big to see what he is looking at. It is a birthday card from my aunt Kris where she put Ender's face on Jack Sparrow...
Aunt Andrea and Tomas (and yes, that frazzed thing in the background is me)
Cousin Ender and Solace...goofballs!
Speaking of goofballs...
My aunt Kris and me.
Scarfing the cake I should not have given her (lactose...)
But look how much she enjoyed it (until later anyway...)
Aunt Melanie
E dawg & K again...oh boy...
BTW, they are only about a month apart if you can believe it!!
Uncle Spence...what can I say, he's 12...
Grandma with Kindle (and Chuck E Cheese + friends)
Wes with cousin (our nephew-Ender's cousin) Wyatt. This was the first we met him.
Grandma, Kindle & Chuck E Cheese
Army & Chuck
B day boy rocking out to the show...
Ender and cousi Heighley
Grandma and newest cousin Sam
Kindle and dad check out the show
Kindle and dad again
Kindle, dad and cousin Heighley
I finally get to hold cousin Wyatt
And cousin Sam
Aunt Stefanie holding Wyatt, Grandpa holding Heighley who is holding Kindle (who is a bit confused)
Aunt Ashley and Aunt Lindsey (she is holding Sam)
If you made it this far, thank you for caring so much about our family and about our Ender!!
Happy 6th Birthday Ender!!!


Picture post in the works...

Obviously I have taken a long time to update with more of our Utah trip. This post I am about to do is probably why. If you like pictures of our family, you will love it, if not, don't bother with it. There are about 40 pictures coming up here...

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