Friday, March 19, 2010

February 2010: in cell phone pics part 2: Back at the ranch...

While Wesley was stuck in the snow, we were here in Omaha trying to get stuff done...Here are some of the highlights...

Mom got rid of the crib and set up Kindle's bed...look how nicely she sleeps in it...
Well, she did lay in it for about 20 seconds-just long enough to get the picture above...
One day we fixed Solace's hair all curly for beautiful!

We learned that Armour is allergic to the detangling spray...(he had 2 allergic reactions to it in Feb)

Armour also learned to write his name really well! Not too shabby for a 3-year-old, huh?!

OK-these next 2 are admitedly not cell phone pics but too cute not to share-I sent Ender downstairs to get my camera, and in the minute it took to go get it, he managed to take about 25 pictures of himself...

And the most exciting news of the month actually happened in Utah. The kids got a new cousin!! Sam was born on Feb 20th! Congrats to new mom & dad-Ashley & Cody!! We cannot wait to meet Sam (and Wyatt, too). We have 2 new cousins to meet now!

February 2010: In cell phone photos...Part 1 Wes

As you probably all know, Wes is a radiology resident. This means that sometime during his 4 years in radiology residency, he has to go spend 4 weeks in Washington DC to do a national training. Well, that 4 weeks happened to be last month-Feb 2010. You might recall that DC had a storm that essentially shut the place down last month. That happened RIGHT as Wes was trying to fly there. That is a crazy story, but lets just say that after much hassle, stress & numerous flight changes, Wes made it to DC. Then he spent the first full week there stuck in the snow with his training cancelled due to the snow. Here are some of the snowy pictures he sent back via cell phone-can you spot the cars?! It's hard...

This first pic is my fave-it is the grill on his apartment porch...looks more like a troll to me...

Here we go again...

Well, I still have a lot of cute pictures to share...I am STILL months behind, and I am so disappoined that I am. I started blogging so I would have some sort of a "journal" form my family and boy have I lost site of that. I want to be better, but catching up seems like suck a daunting task! Seriously! But I am going to try a little at a time and my goal is to take note of some of the family happenings and posting them more often again. Consider this post a sad start...

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