Every year when she was alive, my aunt Cathy would do the same April Fools joke: put a rubber band on the kitchen sink sprayer so the first person to turn it on would get sprayed. And every year my Papou (that means grandpa in Greek) would humor her and get sprayed and act surprised. This went on for 50 years...yes 50.
Two years ago on April 8, Cathy passed away, so last April Fools I was feeling nostalgic and felt I had to do something big in her honor...
Last year I made little "cupcakes" for dinner and "french fries" for dessert. The cupcakes were actually meatloaf with pink colored mashed potato "frosting" and the fries were actually pillsbury dough bakes and sprinkled with sugar. Here are som pics:
How is the world do I top that (with minimal cost)? Ideas welcome! In fact, I am begging for ideas...Please...