Saturday, June 20, 2009

Locks of Love...

Solace wanted to cut her hair and donate it to Locks of Love. She is famous for her very long beautiful hair, but she REALLY wanted it cut. In fact she begged and begged for over a month and then the other day she cut her own bangs in a desperate attempt to cut her own hair. She said she was far too hot with her long hair and really wanted to cut it and help the kids with cancer get wigs by donating her hair. Here she is before we left home... Lovely long hair...
So long...
Prep work
About to cut
Holding her 16 inches of hair...yes, 16...
All the hair... She loves the haircut, though it was shorter than we wanted it. However, she keeps telling me how happy she is to help the kids get wigs. She is glad they will have ones of real hair and not have to wear blue ones like Cathy did (Yes I explained that the blue wig was a choice and a joke, but nonetheless...). She said she loves her short hair because it is nice and cool, and because she got to help others, but she is not going to cut it again for 5 years.
In a stunning turn of events, while we were at the salon, I decided to cut my hair and donate it as well. I have much less hair though...I only donated 10 inches. This first picture is from Vancouver and is just for comparisons sake...
After, holding my hair...(I have to insert here that after they cut off the ponytail, Armour came over and stared at me in stunned silence for about a minute before he said "Mom, you're a boy now?" It was quite confusing for him...)
All my hair sitting there... I am not a fan of my haircut but will hopefully get used to it soon. Also I must tell you all that we did this yesterday, and the rest of the day was at least as traumatizing as the involved tires, nails, missing spares, and one happy shining spot in the form of a knight in green scrubs! More on that later!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Firehouse playgroup

Mothers Day

Among other nice things, on Mother's Day, my kids (and Wes) made me chocolate covered strawberries. Mmmmm...Here are the pics.

Muffins with Mom

For Mother's day, Solace's class did a "Muffins With Mom" celebration. Here are a couple pics of us adn a couple videos of the cute songs they sang!

Ender got a haircut...

I like the boys hair when it is long. Armour's gets all curly and Enders has this cute shaggy look. Wes likes the buzz cut-very short. This last time they both had very long hair and we let them choose if and when they wanted a buzz. One day Army said he was ready for a buzz. It was done. About 2 weeks later, Mr Shaggy's hair was getting REALLY long-even long for me, but he still wanted it long. Then about a week after that, he got sick of it and asked for a buzz.

While the boys had different hair, many people noted how they did not look as much alike.
So, what do you think, do they look really different? Big sister with the guys
Let the royal buzz commence...

Dance Recital Still Pics

Dance Recital videos

On April 30th, Solace had her dance recital. It was awesome. Here are the videos of her 2 dances. (The camera battery ran out near the end of the second one...)

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