Saturday, February 27, 2010

Shopping with 4 crazies...

***I originally wrote this to post on my deals blog and decided it was more appropriate for my personal, private blog, so it is seems weird-that is why...***
I love this picture because it visually explains how I feel about shopping. I LOVE to get a great deal, and when I do, I am happy, smiling and content as with cutie #1, on the left. But I also hate shopping. I hate bundling up 4 kids in the cold snowy weather and fighting with them through numerous stores, which may or may not have the deals available, may or may not take my coupon, may or may not give me a big hassle for using so many coupons, etc. etc. etc. So, I often leave the store in complete breakdown mode likecutie #2 on the right. Today I felt a little of both. I share this story with you all to let you know that if you too get frustrated, I am there with you! I want to preface it by saying that MOST of my shopping trips are (luckily) MUCH less eventful and generally speaking I have well behaved kids-this was an exceptionally bad day behavior wise...

Today I had 2 RR (Register Rewards or Catalinas-basically coupons you earn from a store when you purchase certain items that can be used on your next visit to get money off) from Walgreens that were expiring today. So, I had to go out there, and since the Hollywood Video that is closing today is right next door, I thought I would check out the last minute deals there as well. My kids are 7, 5, 3, & 1. Usually my 7-year-old is a major helper, but today all she did was start fights with the 5-y-o, the 3-y-o is basically always "on one" and saves up his worst behavior for store trips, and my 1-y-o is just grumpy and feeling sick from ear infections. SO right off I was screwed.

I went to Hollywood Video first, and found nothing, NOTHING worth getting (and really not great prices for a close-out sale). So, after browsing for 10 minutes I was more than ready to go-but had to pry movies out of the childrens hands to leave behind before we left.

On to Walgreens where the oldest 2 are fighting and the 3yo is just all over. I go to pick up my stupid free 8X10 from Thursday but guess what-I do not still have my photo release from the picture from 6 years ago and did not even think about bringing it anyway-so I cannot get the photo. I am annoyed and mad at this point so I told the idiot photo girl that I want to see her shred the already printed photo so no creeps end up with the pics. She can't-against policy (I wrote to corporate about that one already).

On to using the RR-I needed envelopes and thought I would buy a couple other things that would give me RR so I could "roll" my RR. SO I decide on 2 boxes of Envelopes I needed, some lip stuff that is $2.99, but you get a $2 RR back when you purchase, and 3 new candy bars that are on sale 3 for $2, but you get a $1RR when you purchase. So, I go to check out, ring up order, give the guy my 2 RR-each worth $3, which brings my Out of Pocket cost to $1.96, and I should get back $3 in RR (one for $2 and one for $1). As I grab my reciept, the 3yo, who has emptied many shelves of merchandise while we were in the store (which I will note I did clean up), now decided that he cannot wait another minute to run out the door into the giant mud puddle in the parking lot (on the edge). I sent 7yo after him so I can get 1yo out of cart-she won't go-still mad and pouting about earlier fight/tantrum-so 5yo goes after 3yo. Both 3yo & 5yo end up in puddle before I run out with 1yo & 7yo.

I get everyone buckled in the van, and think-well at least I made money on this trip ($1.96 out of pocket and $3RR) then I look at my reciept and change still clutched in one hand and realize-they did not give me the $1RR! DANG! So, at this point I think, is it worth going back in? NO!

So, in the end I still "made" money (4 cents) which makes me happy like cutie 1, but it was kinda a hassle, so I left feeling a bit like cutie 2! Ever have days like that?!


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