Thursday, September 18, 2008

Class is in session...

Ok readers of my blog-I am asking you for help. I need some suggestions-what books should I be reading next? I find I am just reading a lot and turbo-ing through books lately, so give me some suggestions-what should I read next? I will tell you a few books I have liked to read:

Return of the Native by Thomas Hardy
The Scarlet Pimpernel
The Harry Potter books
The Twilight Series
Odd Thomas books
Wheel of Time (I am actually in the middle of it, but it takes me longer to read...)
The Very Hungry Caterpillar (We read it daily!)
Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert

Odd Thomas

OK, If you ever check out the sidebar stuff on this blog, you are aware that I have been reading Dean Koontz lately, starting with this one:
This is interesting for me because after reading my first ever Dean Koontz book, Odd Thomas, I told Wes that I felt his book was good, but that it felt a bit typical-it felt like it was quickly written with a formulaic plot, and written to make it possible for Koontz to whip out a whole bunch of book. However, somehow, I was still intrigued, and I really enjoyed the book (mostly) and found myself really interested in the title character, Odd. Little did I know that it was the first in a series. When I was at the book store a few days after finishing and overall enjoying the book, I found these:
I had not realized that Odd Thomas was the first in the series, so I bought the 2 other Odd Thomas books, and I liked them as well, and they did not run quite as formulaic! Yeah!!
Now, the newest Odd book is out only in hardback-as I cannot justify paying $20 for it, I am on the library waiting list for it (there are 80 people ahead of me!!) SO, I am anxiously awaiting it...
Now, here are a few things I want to say:
1-Since I finished the Odd books I have, I bought another Koontz book that looked interesting and also found that we (Wes really) own a couple other Koontz books, and boy was I right about the formulaic thing. I can almost guarantee that Koontz books will start with a big crazy inciting incident that will propel the rest of the book forward. That incident will inevitably set up the fact that there is some problem coming that the main character has to try to stop, but they are not exactly sure what the problem is yet, and the mystery will be to figure out what the horrible disaster is that is coming. About halfway through the book, something will happen that makes everything the main character has figured out null and void. It will be an unexpected surprise, and it will be only the first of the surprises to come. Also, there will be something supernatural or otherworldly that will happen in the books, there will be very quirky characters. The main characters will all have some sort of abusive past, and all main characters will have a crazy, crazy grandmother. The book will be told from the main characters POV.
2-That being said, the Odd Thomas books actually fall from the formula a bit as they are a series and follow the same character.
3-Regardless of the formula, I found myself soaking in the books-they are crazy, they are strange, there are plot holes and problems here and there, but they are interesting reads and a very interesting main character.
So, just to give you a very brief intro of Odd Thomas, it is about this guy that can see dead people (not unlike Haley Joel Osmond, but Odd's dead people cannot speak to him). The dead that need to finish business of this world come to Odd for help. He helps them move on if possible. He has a small group of confidants that are like a ragtag family to him, and they know his secret (about the dead people). Odd is an interesting character-one of the most interesting I have read. I cannot say a whole lot more about it without giving away important things, but I feel the first book is like a set up for the rest of the books-it is like the story that tells you the point in life that made Odd who he is going to be the rest of his adulthood.
Has anyone read there books? If not, I do recommend them. If you have read them, what did you think?
I feel a bit like I am running an English class discussion again with these last two blogs, but guess what? I like it!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Twilight Series (for Lindsey)

Lindsey asked me what I thought of the Stephenie Meyer Twilight series. My sisters both also wanted to know what I thought. First I want to say that I feel a bit amazed that anyone really cares what I think. Granted I am related to all of you, but nonetheless, thanks for caring!
Now that being said, please do not expect a super well thought out review. Part of the reason I never posted about the series was that I don't know how much I have to say, but I will attempt to fumble through my opinion in this blog.
Basically, I did enjoy this series. There were definite problems if you are reading it with a real serious outlook, but if you are willing to suspend your disbelief and just go with the rules in the world she created, it is a fun, interesting read. I recommend reading it if you just want an interesting, strange story and if you are able to suspend your disbelief. If you are Wes or are as cynical and as realistic-thinking as he is, don't bother reading it. You won't like it. Also, if you do not like vampire books, or forbidden love type stories, again don't bother. All Wes had to know about the books was that it involves a romance between a vampire and a human and he was not at all interested. All he could talk about was how that is like a human and a cow love story (because really a human is just a food source for vampires). So, of course he has not read them as he cannot and will not ever get over this block. (For those that are fans, don't even bother trying to explain the whole "vegetarian" vampire thing to him-it just makes him think it is all the more stupid.) So, now that you know Wesley's opinion, I will just say, if you have not read the series, I would recommend not reading this review as I might spoil something for you by giving away a surprise.
First, as I said, I liked the books even though my husband was a bit of a buzz-kill whenever I tried to talk to him about it. I have read a lot of reviews panning it, but as I liked it, I will just note the things I liked. As I said, there were plenty of problems, but I am always willing to suspend my disbelief and just enjoy a book, so here is what I enjoyed:
1-Interesting story and plot lines.
2-I like that Bella is a very relatable character for every girl that has ever felt like an outsider. Probably the girls that were the "it" girls in life do not relate or even get it. I think she is an average character that is well written and that she is really relatable. It makes sense that she would be so amazed by the attention from Edward, the picture of male perfection (who happens to turn out to be a vampire).
3-One thing I loved about it that I have heard others complain about is the fact that Bella is presented as very average and normal and relatable, and yet, all these boys at her school are attracted to her and throughout the book she becomes more beautiful and more extraordinary. I love that because I think that it is true to life. I think a lot of girls reading the books and relating to Bella for being so normal think of themselves that way. Remember the book is told from her point of view (mostly). She is normal and relatable because that is how she feels and that is how she presents herself to us. Later as we see her through others' eyes and as she starts to see where she is extraordinary, we see how she is not as normal and plain as we, the readers thought she was initially. I think that is so true to life that people pretty much all feel like the outsider and they have to find what makes them extraordinary. Granted it is a bit weird that being a vampire is the thing she was destined for, that she was extraordinary at, but, hey, it is something.
4-I love that Bella and I have the same birthday.
5-I like how Stephenie Meyer took the vampire legends and made them her own. Her vampires were aware of the legends and willing to explain how "real" vampires (in the world of Bella) work.
6-I love Jacob and Edward both. I loved when Sweet Home Alabama came out and it seemed for the first time, both of the options the girl had in her triangle of love were genuinely good guys. She had to choose from 2 good choices and the one she chose was still good even after she picked the other guy. It was great! In these books, I felt it was nice that the 2 guys were both likable (granted they were mortal enemies as one is a vampire and the other a werewolf). I thought the fact they were both ultimately concerned with Bella and her happiness in spite of their dislike for one another was good. I had a hard time deciding who to root for. (I will note that I HATE how the triangle pans out-the imprinting thing is too crazy though it is handled well. I just still feel like Jacob gets screwed. The imprinting thing and the whole half vampire child with a werewolf imprinting on her was just weird and it was an obvious device to force the vampires and the werewolves to work together once again to help Bella and her strangely named daughter.)
6-Overall, it was a pretty well developed story that kept me reading and wanting to know what was coming next. I did not agree with the choices, and with how the story developed, and I didn't really love how it all ended mostly all tied up with a little bow. But hey, I still found that as each plot development happened, I wanted to know what could possible happen next. I love a book that I do not want to put down, and this whole series fit in that category for me.
One thing I do have to say as a negative is that I just felt that the whole first 3 books I was being set up for a redemption of sorts for Edward, and instead, in the fourth book I got no redemption, and it seemed that he forgot entirely his whole set of morals (yes-morals for a vampire). I do not know if I am stating what I am trying to say very well here, but for those that read it, do you get what I mean?
So, those are my thoughts, disjointed and at times senseless, but there they are anyway!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Bring on the 30s...

OK, so I have been in my 30s now for 3 days. Here are a few differences I have seen so far:

1-The latest I have been to bed since I turned 30 is 10:15-yeah I am serious. But I have been awakened by very sick kids around 1 am and had to stay awake with them, so maybe I cannot call it on this one yet-maybe the going to bed early has more to do with lack of sleep, and less to do with age?!
2-I have been sick. My whole 30s better not be like this.

3-I am pretty sure I have a significantly larger number of wrinkles. See:
(Obviously I also go a snazzy new hat!)

But on a positive note:

I do not have to have another birthday where I change decades for 10 more years!

I am now old enough that the fact I am not up on current trends and fashion is not only OK, but expected.

I am still married to a man in his 20s-what a cradle robber!

I have heard a couple things about being 30 like:

"Thirty, flirty & thriving"...well, I am 30 and thriving I guess...

"Thirty is the new twenty." no, no it is not...

I want to note that when we moved to Nebraska the first time, we had a friend turn 30, and we went to a surprise party for him. I remember thinking that he was so old. I also remember that pretty much every present he received had something to do with Viagra. So, I guess I can just be glad I am not a guy and I did not get any Viagra.

Oh and once again-thanks Andrea and Ashley for marrying guys older than me so I did not have to be the first 30-yr-old in either family!

But, all that being said, I am getting over the fact that my 20s are officially over, and I do take some solace in the fact that all my friends that might otherwise harass me are also approaching this milestone so they are note quite so harassing. And now all there is to say, it bring it on 30s-bring it on!!!

Random-about my siblings...

So, my sister did her random tag on her blog, but she thought her things were boring, so I wrote 6 different random things for her and thought I would share them with you. And while I am at it, I might as well share things about all my sibs.

Here's my random things about Andrea:
1-Although her husband has 2 degrees from the U, he is an unfailingly Y fan...
2-She was a drunken crazy (and possibly gay) old lady in her high school musical, and in a performance in association with that show, she fell on her face and broke her nose.
3-She is allergic to pretty much everything, though recently has been able to try Strawberries for the first time...not to steal from Rachel Ray, but yum-o!
4-She and her whole family are basically Disneyland experts, only to be outdone by the Seaburys...
5-She is Nala, and she named her kid Kyara...nuf said.
6-Her dad used to wait right through a glass front door watching while she said goodbye to all her dates...always...

About Melanie:
1-First and foremost, she has now made sure that Wes is not the only True Aggie in the family. (Feel free to send any questions or comments about that her way)
2-Though Mel seems pretty laid back, she is actually one of the pickiest people I know about her clothing...yes, what she wears is carefully chosen out and picked to wear.
3-She once took my mom's car and drove to Disneyland which is no big deal except she forgot to tell anyone.
4-She has many a nickname including Belle, Bella, Mel, Belle, Melarella, munchkin...
5-She has a Build-a-Bear addiction. Seriously, an addiction people, I have considered an intervention...ok, well, maybe not that seriously...
6-She is looking for a young good looking vampire to marry thanks to the Twilight series, but will I am sure settle for a nice Mormon boy eventually!

About Spencer:
1-Currently this busy guy is playing both Soccer & Football.
2-He looks just like me but male-seriously. I will find some pics to put up to prove this point.
3-He goes by a name that is actually not his name at all and was inspired by the late princess Diana.
4-He will be 11 in a few days, and his nearest sibling in age is almost 20. He has like 5 or 6 nieces and nephews closer in age to him than any of his siblings are.
5-At 10-year-old, his very best friend was his Aunt Cathy who recently passed away-this is significant to note, not for the tragic loss, but for the fact that he adores his family so much and that he absolutely loved his aunt more than anyone though most boys his age would have thought they needed to act too cool for that.
6-As a small child, he told my first date that I was his mother because my dad gave him 5 bucks to do so!

Google Images tag

My sister, Andrea tagged me on this one. Looked like fun and I've never done this one before, so here I go. . . . . What you do is put the answer to the question in a Google Image search and pick a picture from the first 3 pages of results

My first name: Beckee.

My Middle Name: My Maiden Name (This is my aunt and uncle)My Last Name: Johnson

My Age: 30. (Of course 30 rock)

A place I would like to visit: Greek Islands (Beautiful)My favorite vacation spot: Disneyland

My College Major: Theatre education (I LOVE this image!)

Where did you grow up: Salt Lake City

Past Pet: Butterscotch the cat First Job: Dresser at Nordstrom (I dressed models during fashion shows.)

My Favorite Treat: Caramelitas (I cannot choose a favorite so I went with what I am craving currently!) My Favorite Food: Flank Steak (This is not the flank steak I love, but it looks good too)

Bad Habit: Messiness My mood right now: Sick

Tagged: If you wanna do it, do it! (Oh, if you are Mel, Lindsey or Stef though-you have to do it as I totally tag you!)

Beckee quiz

I wrote a quiz about me on Facebook, so if you want to see how much you know about me, and you have a Facebook account, click here.

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