Thursday, June 30, 2011

Solace was Baptised!

We had a really important thing happen in our family in December. That I have neglected to blog about. On December 28, 2010 Solace Rebekah Johnson was baptized a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints! We were SOOO blessed that Wes had the week off and we were able to drive out to Utah where our families could be part of this special day with us. It was so neat to have our parents and so many other family members come out to support us! We love you all so much! Here are some pictures of the big day (following the pictures, I have asked Solace to tell you about this day in her own words).

 Kindle and cousin Sam

 Look at the crowd

 Papou gave a talk about Baptism
 I sang the song "When I am Baptised."
 Grandpa gave a talk on the Holy Ghost
 All the cousins (and one uncle) there came up and sang "I am a Child of God"

 Grandma (and Kindle) led the music
 XiaXia played the piano
 And I was baptised...this is the picture we used for my announcements.

Hi! When I was baptized I felt warm but, when I got out I felt cold because it was Winter and I was wet. When I received the Gift of The Holy Ghost I felt warmer than I ever felt before. I was excited that I was finally a true member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. That is a day I will always remember. I loved to be in Utah with my family. That was the most special part because it wouldn't have felt the same if I did it with just friends. Bye!



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