Saturday, July 14, 2007

A Sol Story

So, yesterday morning at about 6:30 AM Wes walked downstairs to find Solace on the couch watching Disney channel. She often awakens early and watched Disney channel, but usually she checks in with us in our bedroom before heading down to the TV. However, we have become unnecessary in this morning routine as she now knows how to use the remote (don't worry-EVERYTHING is blocked with our child lock-my sister Mel couldn't even watch Boy Meets World when she was visiting...), and she knows what channel is Disney.

So, yesterday, she did not think we were necessary to talk to before hitting the couch. So, when Wes came down, she was sitting on the couch with a bag of tomatoes, an almost fully eaten cucumber, and a bag of corn chips. She had gotten herself a big breakfast. I was unaware of any of this as it all happened well before I woke up.

At about 7:30, I came down and saw Solace on the couch with an entire pound of strawberry stems only (the pound had been full when we went to bed). She asked me for a "jungle waffle" (they are actually pancakes, but my kids call them waffles). I made one for her and thought, "wow she was hungry-big breakfast" Imagine my shock when Wes came home and told me his part of the story...

Our Solace, the independent 4-year-old...What a fun kid!!

Friday, July 13, 2007

As promised, an E moment...

So, this morning, the kids and I went to the pool with a couple other moms and their kids from our ward. It was a lot of fun for about 20 minutes. Then Ender got out of the pool, grabbed his towel, and said, "mom, I am ready for dinner." I must note that it was 10:45 AM at this point, and he had just eaten breakfast before coming over to the pool. So, I said, "No it's not time for dinner." I continued helping Armour in the pool thinking Ender and I were done with this discussion. I was wrong. About 3 minutes later, Ender, still standing out of the pool wrapped in his towel, said, with his best scowl on his face, and in his best grown up voice (and an imitation of me I might add), "Mom, you have exactly one minute left then we are going. I will start counting down very soon...10, 9, 8..." Hilarious!! And just another little Ender moment...

Thursday, July 12, 2007

And so it begins...

OK-so I have been doing a minimal blog on My Space, but I have recently found these "real" blogs, and I like them, so I thought it would be a good way for family and friends to be able to see what we are up to since we live far away from everyone. This way, people can choose to read it or choose not to and I won't fill up everyone's email inboxes. SO, here I am in a nutshell...

I am Beckee, 28, Married for 6 years to the amazing Wes. :) We have 3 cute and amazingly smart children. Oldest is Solace, age 4 1/2-she is our only girl and what a doll! She always has a very imaginative story to share with us. She loves to sing. Luckily, Sexy Back is no longer her favorite song, though I am sure she could still sing it for you if you asked her to. Now, she LOVES to sing along with Jennifer Hudson's I Love You I Do from Dreamgirls while her brothers dance up a storm. Don't ask about the other songs she knows from that show...crazy!

Ender is our big boy. He is 3 and unbelievably smart. He always has something up his sleeve and never ceases to amaze me with his antics. What a fun kid he is! It is often hard not to laugh out loud at the "naughty" things he does because they always seem to be presented in such a crazy, funny way! What a riot he is! I am sure much of this blog will be devoted to stories of him as most of my day consists of unraveling his latest plots...

Armour is our baby-though we won't be able to call him that too much longer. He turns 1 in a couple weeks here, and he is one huge baby! People often think I am lying about his age when they see this kid toddeling around that is so big. Everytime I look at him, I think "where the heck did he get such blonde, blonde hair?" I am letting his hair grow out for a while before daddy gets ahold of it and buzzes it. It seems to be getting curly and it is SO cute. Maybe someday I will have a girl with curls like that-amazing. He walks and is starting to talk pretty well now. Even when he does not know the right words, he manages to communicate his needs pretty well! It is great!

Wesley, my handsome husband is a doctor now-crazy, I know, but true! He graduated medical school in May from Creighton University in Omaha, Nebraska. He matched for his transitional year of residency in Spokane, Washington, so we moved our little family across the country just over a month ago. We (oddly enough) will be returning to Omaha in about a year where Wes will do his residency in radiology at the University of Nebraska Medical Center. So far so good on this residency thing-his schedule has been much lighter that any of our friends from med school. Lucky us! I know there will be worse times, but for now I am just grateful for the lighter schedule-but tomorrow night is his first call so we'll see how that goes!

I am lucky enough to stay at home with my little queen and kings. It is great for me to be home with them. I do not know what Armour and I will do with ourselves in September when the older 2 both start preschool...

Well, that is enough for my opening blog I think...

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