Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Baseball Family Night

In May we had a fun and busy month. I have a lot of fun pictures to share with you still from that month. Today I am going to just post one more thing though and it is picture extensive! So, if you love seeing pics of my kids and Wes playing baseball for a family night in May, you will LOVE this post! :)

Lets start with Ender. Here he is up to bat!

Next is Solace...at first hesitant to put on the helmet (she did not want to mess up her hair) but when we realized she was helmet-less-we made her put one on. Good thing too as she got hit by a ball in the head shortly after. Here are her pics (with and without helmet):

Armour was the most into it and he spend a lot of time hitting AND pitching.  He was so fun to watch! Check out his photos:

OK-I said Armour was most into it-that is not ENTIRELY true-Wes might have been more so...You be the judge (take note of his pitcher face-it is so intense and I find it adorable and irresistable! Isn't he cute?!)

And of course Kindle was with us, but she stayed safely and happily in a swing:

Also, Solace loves to swing and insisted we take pictures of her doing so before we left the park:

We try to have a lot of active fun for our family nights and this was a great one!!


Potty training begins again...

This is not a chatch up post, but a current up to date post-Kindle just went potty in the toilet successfully for the first time and now just wants to go potty over and over. I have not at all been tryign to potty train her, but we have mentioned it to her and told her she could have her Dora Pull Up (a free sample I got) as soon as she goes potty in the toilet. SHe did it today (and of course the pull up is lost-but she seems ok with it). We sang her the potty dance and Solace and I danced around the house with her and she got to put on a different pull up and it was great! Maybe I will be done with diapers sooner than I thought!!!

One Day (version 4.0:Kindle)

Well, as with all the kids, Kindle has managed to get herself into some messy situations unbeknownst to mommy...here is what I found one day after dinner in May:

Oh boy! Did you notice in the pictures that at first she knows she is in trouble then she wants to eat as much ketchup as possible before I take it, then she realizes I am taking pictures and gives her big smile?!


Kindergarten round up=Ender home!!

Here in Omaha, they have a thing called Kindergarten Round up each year. On that day current kindergartners stay home while the kindergartners for next year go to part of the school day with the teachers. With Ender home for Kindergarten round up, we wanted to do something special so we walked over to the park and had a picnic. Above is us eating our picnic, and below are a few more pics:

Kindle trying her hand at playing on her own
Here is the school boy in a variety of fun playtime activities!
This is Armour being the grumpy old troll (from Dora)...he did crack a smile and lose character a few times...

What fun it was to have one of our school kids home!!! We did miss Solace that day...


Monday, July 12, 2010

Talent Show auditions and day of...

Our poor little Ender had to miss a full week of school in mid May due to medical issues (he had a staph infection in his kidney). During that week was the audition for the talent show, and since Ender was technically not supposed to be at school, Solace had to audition without him. She did well and when he got back to school the music teacher asked Ender to come do his own audition during class, and they ended up getting in. If you want to see the video of the performance, it is here.
Below are a few pictures of audition day, and one of them waiting to go sing on the actual talent show day:

Solace a bit nervous to audition alone...
During the audition...
Show day...waiting to go up...
They were nervous but fantastic!! I love having my kids perform, it reminds me of the good old days! :)  But they are much cuter than I ever was!!!


Ender's Munchies with mom

You may recall last year I posted about a Muffins for Mom Kindergarten activity with Solace (You can see that post here). Well, this year, we had munchies with mom. Ender was so cute and so excited! He actually dressed himself that morning in his best suit so he could look nice for his mom. He was so cute!!

Unfortunately, I missed the first 5 minutes as I was getting the babysitter to watch the younger 2 kids and was late, so I missed the singing. Luckily, Ender loves to sing a good solo and was willing to sing the songs to me later at home. Check it out:

We did a craft together and ate munchies as well. It was some great one on one time for us! Here are some pictures of us:

What a great day for us-we had a blast!!


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