Lets start with Ender. Here he is up to bat!
Next is Solace...at first hesitant to put on the helmet (she did not want to mess up her hair) but when we realized she was helmet-less-we made her put one on. Good thing too as she got hit by a ball in the head shortly after. Here are her pics (with and without helmet):
Armour was the most into it and he spend a lot of time hitting AND pitching. He was so fun to watch! Check out his photos:
OK-I said Armour was most into it-that is not ENTIRELY true-Wes might have been more so...You be the judge (take note of his pitcher face-it is so intense and I find it adorable and irresistable! Isn't he cute?!)
And of course Kindle was with us, but she stayed safely and happily in a swing:
Also, Solace loves to swing and insisted we take pictures of her doing so before we left the park:
We try to have a lot of active fun for our family nights and this was a great one!!