Thursday, May 22, 2008

TV Obsessions...

So, everyone knows that Idol came down to the David's...And by now I am sure you all know that David Cook WON!!! But what you might not know is just how obsessed I am with this show, and particularly how much I have loved David Cook since the beginning!! I LOVE the guy and I have totally wanted him to win and been rooting for and predicting him winning since basically his first audition. Well before he was becoming a stand out on the show. (If you ever look at or listen to the songs on this blog you may have guessed I love him as I have 2 of his songs on there) So, needless to say, I was totally happy with the outcome last night. Now, I think Archuleta was good and I would have loved seeing a Utah boy win, but YEAH FOR COOK!!! This is an especially exciting win as I have been bitter with Idol since Clay Aiken came in 2nd (I still feel bitter and a bit pissed that he lost when I think about that-especially since my in-laws wanted Ruben so bad and I wanted Clay so bad and I ended up watching the finale at their house-I hate when I don't win, and I don't take the teasing well when I am SOOOOO into the show, a downfall of mine...)

That all aside, Yeah for David Cook!!!

Now, I try not to get into any new shows as I realize I am already quite addicted to TV as it is. But I am sitting here watching as new show and as I watch it, I realize it is quickly becoming a favorite and I expect to love it like I love Idol....Oh no! Anyway, world, meet my new obsession:

Darn Fox and their reality talent shows...I love them...

Happy Birthday Kyara!

Happy Birthday to my cute niece Kyara-have a fun day and know we are thinking of you!!

Stolen from Heidi...

45 Odd things about you! FILL IT OUT and pass it on and return it to the person that sent it to you! Learn 45 things about your friends and let them learn 45 things about you!

1.Do you like blue cheese salad dressing? I LOVE it!
2. Do you own a gun? No.
3. What's a favorite drink at Starbucks or other specialty coffee house? Hot Chocolate with Hazelnut flavoring and the raspberry creme frappuccino.
4. Do you get nervous before a doctor's appointment? I often do.
5. What do you think is hot? Wes.
6. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? OJ
7. Can you do push ups? a few...
8. What's your favorite piece of jewelry? Wedding band
9. Favorite hobby? blogging (seriously-sad I know...)
10. Do you have A.D.D? or O.C.D? Don't think so, but maybe a bit... (see comment between #41 and #42.
11. What's one trait that you hate about yourself? I am messy...
12. Middle name? Enderton
13. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment. I love Family Feud, I am so glad Armour is sleeping, and Man, Kindle is cute!
14. Name 4 drinks you regularly drink. Diet sodas, water, milk, juice.
15. Current worry right now? Packing & Moving
16. Current hate right now? Packing & Moving
17. Favorite place to be? Home, Disneyland, or really wherever Wes & the kids are!
18. Do you like to travel? I love to vacation, but generally have issues getting to and from any trip I take...But the short answer is yes.
19. Do you own slippers? Several pairs
20. What color shirt are you wearing? a white t-shirt.
21. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets? YES
22. Can you whistle? Yes, but not as well as Wes, Solace, or Ender.
23. Favorite color? Purple
24. Would you be a pirate? It seems fun in the movies, but in reality-no way!
25. What song do you sing in the shower? Whatever is stuck in my head.
26. Favorite girls name? Solace & Kindle
27. Favorite boys name? Ender & Armour
28. What's in you pocket right now? I have no pockets right now.
29. Last thing that made you laugh? My kids being goofy
30. Best bed sheets as a child? I think they were like My Little Pony or Strawberry Shortcake.
31. Worst injury you've ever had? I'm not sure-broken collar bone as a kid?! (BTW-a body cast Heidi?! Seriously? Explanation needed...)
32. Do you love where you live? I LOVE Spokane, but I do not like this apartment, mainly because of the new management.
33. How many TVs do you have in your house? 2
34. Who is your loudest friend? I would have to go with Penni I think...
35. How many pets do you have? 0
36. Does someone have a crush on you? Wes-and, I would assume there are a few various other men.... :)
37. What's your favorite book? I love a lot of books-Recently I have loved The Scarlet Pimpernel, Return of the Native, The Twilight Series books, and the Wheel of Time series of books.
38. What's your favorite candy? Lindt chocolates, CK Cummings chocolates, Jelly Bellys, Twizzlers, Reeses Peanut Butter cups...I love candy and I am totally craving it at the moment which makes this a very unfair question.
39. Favorite Sports Team? Utah Utes!!! I love college sports! Go Utes!!!
40. What were you doing at 12 AM last night? Nursing.
41. What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up? I need more sleep!

Why is it that when these things say something like "45 things about you" and they don't have 45 things, I cannot just let it go? I have this need to fix it and make up the rest of the questions...

42. Last thing that made you cry? Going through Solace's preschool memories with her today!
43. Favorite memory of the place you live? I have a lot of great memories of Spokane. Some of my favorites have been just exploring the city and the parks with Wes and the kids. I loved going on our daily walks from Gonzaga to Riverfront Park, and I love going to Coeur d'Alene as a family. I have also loved our playgroups! So, so much fun!!!
44. Name one good habit you have. I put this question cause people always want to know your worst habit-doesn't anyone want to know the positive side? My answer is: one good habit is reading scriptures and saying prayers daily as a family.
45. Favorite game show to watch on TV. I LOVE game shows and watch too many each day. Faves (in no particular order) are Price is Right, Family Feud, Jeopardy, Wheel of Fortune, and Cash Cab.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

2 daughters of Eve and 2 Sons of Adam-Just like Narnia at our house!

Kindle came home...

On Thursday May 15th we took Kindle home from the hospital. Here are the pics from that day (well a couple are pics from the next day after Armour's haircut). Enjoy.

Dad and Kindle impatiently wait for the nurse to discharge us... All dressed and ready to go.
Mom and baby-I know I still look pregnant, but give me a break-it was only 2 days after having a baby!! Notice though that I left the hospital wearing my normal jeans (I did have to change immediately upon getting home so I could breath again, but the point is, I wore my normal jeans home after having a baby!!!)

Look how little they look in these chairs at first-remember this cause in about 2-3 months she will fill this seat up! They grow so fast!
Mel holds K
Armour kisses Kindle
K, A, & M

Armour's first buzz...yes, we buzzed him...

On Friday, May 16th we buzzed Armour's hair for the first time. It was hard for me to let his crazy awesome CRAZY hair go, but we did it and it looks great...

During...He LOVED the buzzers!!!

Half-way through the haircut-check out the back...

"I dood it" (This is Armour for "I can do it/let me do it.")

The pile of hair-that's a lot of hair...
At the end...
(He loves to sit in Kindle's car seat and tell me over and over "Armour too big!!")

River wild...

If you live outside of Spokane, you might not be aware that our rivers are all overflowing and going nuts here (because of the sudden warm up after the snowy winter). On our anniversary, Wes and I (and the kids) all went to one of our favorite spots to visit, bowl and pitcher, and checked out the wild running river (this was before it was flooding). I thought you might want to check it out...

These next 2 pictures were taken last fall when Johnson grandparents were here. I wanted to include these because you can see all that nice rocky area there where Ender and Steve (Grandpa) are standing throwing rocks, and where Dad and Solace are standing on the big rock. Check out the third and fourth pics to see what that looks like now... That is what it looks like as of Saturday...

This video is awesome cause you can see how fast the river is running...I am not sure about what it sounds like or about my commentary as I cannot hear it on this computer (the speakers are broken). Enjoy the crazy river...


How does one pack with 4 kids?! Seriously?! Especially when one child is only a week old and nurses all the time?! And seriously how does one pack when one is still recovering from childbirth?! AHHHHHHH.....
Frustrations aside, we ARE moving, so packing and cleaning and everything must move forward...In case you don't know, we (the kids and I) are moving next Saturday. We will be going to Utah for 3 weeks while Wes stays here and finishes his work. (Thank you SOOOO much to Jimmy and Carly who are willing to let him stay with them-you guys are seriously the best.)

So, around June 20-21, Wes will meet us in Utah and we will drive on to Omaha where we will be closing on our house on June 24th.

So, if you live in Utah, and want to come visit with us while we are there, let me know. We will be there in about a week and a half. And for those friends in Omaha, we will be there (for at least 4 years) starting around June 23 or 24.

And for my great friends in Spokane, I am so sad to be leaving!! My bed rest jipped me out of a lot of my time here, but I have loved it and have loved getting to know so many great people! I know a lot of us are moving to various locations around the country, but I hope we can keep in touch! Spokane rocks and I cannot believe the time here is almost up.

Well, I better try to get some of that packing done while the older kids are at school...

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