Saturday, August 4, 2007

This is HILARIOUS!!!

So, check me out with blonde or red hair-I pretty much can pull anything off. :) This is a freakin awesome thing.

We actually did these with Solace and Ender's pics too, but could only get one to show...They think this thing is almost as funny as when we Simpsonized them last week...I will post those when I get a better Simpsonization done...

By the way, after having done this, and playing with all different colors for my hair, I think it is safe to say that I probably look best with the darker hair that I have...dang, and Wes was so trying to convince me to lighten it right to blonde... :)

Friday, August 3, 2007

The ups and downs of Motherhood

Well, it looks like 1 was a magic number for Mr Armour here. It seems he is suddenly communicating more, moving better, and growing more teeth. He is a funny kids, and never ceases to amaze me.

Yesterday, I took my kids to a free family movie out "in the valley" (if you know Spokane, you know what that means). We watched Charlotte's Web. It was, as usual, a hassle, but it got us out of the hot, hot house and into an air conditioned building for a couple hours. After going to the movie, I decided to do my shopping for the week, as the least expensive groceries are at Super Wal-Mart, and the Super Wal-Mart is right near the movies in "the valley".

During our Wal-Mart excursion, Armour did 2 amazing things. The first, I am quite amazed and proud of. An old person asked him how old he is and he very confidently held up one finger and said loudly "This!" Later when I related that story to Wes, he told Wes he was "This" with one finger up too, so evidently not a fluke, he is simply a genius.

The second thing my genius did doesn't fill me with such a sense of pride-more a sense of dread really. I had my list of things I needed written in my planner and stupidly put the planner, opened to my list, next to Armour in the cart. As I walked to the frozen food case to decide which frozen fattening, expensive child's food to allow my kids to get for lunch (corn dogs as Ender wanted or Chimichungas as Solace wanted), my baby started to pull out cards from my planner. So, being a mere 2 feet away from him, naturally I noticed this pretty rapidly and grabbed my drivers licence, debit card, and health insurance card out of his hand immediately. I returned them to their respective spots, looked around to make sure nothing else was on the ground or in the cart or in his hands. I even walked back through the last few aisles to make sure I hadn't missed something...

Fast forward to me paying for my groceries, and realizing my credit card, the one that says "physician" on it, making it appear as though I might actually have some money, was missing. It had been in there when I went in the store, but was not there anymore...I frantically searched every part of the store I had been in, talked to the manager, and inevitably ended up having to call and report it as lost or stolen. What a grand hassle!!

Ah...the ups and downs of motherhood...

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Daily Dose of Us, July 2007

Well, I thought I should put a story or thought of the day each day, we'll see how long this lasts!

July 12: Coeur D'Alene is Beautiful! We went there yesterday, and WOW!
July 13: Oh how I LOVE Friday the 13th-seriously I do!! Always have-here's a thought, for those that don't know, my 13th birthday was on Friday the 13th! Awesome!
July 14: Happy babies are cute, but can be as loud as sad babies when at the movies...just a warning!! :)
July 15: Armour is a happy little guy, happier as he gets older! He is getting such a fun, happy personality and I a so happy about it-what a great kid!!'
July 16: I will just steal Wes's favorite quote of late. "People say money can't buy happiness, but it CAN buy you a Wave Runner, and I defy you to frown on a Wave Runner!" (we heard a comedian on Comedy Central say this...)
July 17th: Keeping my kids happy and active just takes one thing: sprinklers!
July 18th: Happy Birthday Dad!! Happy Birthday Anne!! And I should probably throw in Happy Birthday Gavin! Carly and Jimmy brought us to a Cafe Rio knock off place in Coeur D'Alene called Cafe Chulo. SOOOO good...
July 19: Happy Birthday Tyson!! Here's a thought-be careful what you wish for, you never know what you'll get...I told Wes I needed a caling and some responsibility in this ward-I still have no calling from the bishopric, but I got a visiting teaching calling today, and it will be a hard route!
July 20: Here's Wesley's thought of the day: "I am done with anesthesia today." He also mentioned that the year is already cruising by and he hopes Cardio will be ok (that is what he starts Monday). I would also like to note that this is pretty much exactly like 3 & 4 years of med school except Wes gets paid (and has a bit more responsibility...) It's awesome to get paid instead of paying to do it!
July 21: Learning to ride bikes is hard and frustrating, but teaching someone to ride a bike is hard, frustrating, and so cute when they start to get it!!
July 22: At church today, Solace made little puppets of our family-but she actually only finished the one of Armour. At home, Ender was trying to take the Armour toy away from her, and she yelled at him, "Ender, that is MY Armour, and I need to keep it nice! I made it so when Armour gets married and moves out, I can look at that and smile and I won't miss Armour so much, so GIVE IT BACK." Just thought it was funny.
July 23: Never trust anything that can think for itself if you can't see where it keeps its brain. ~J.K. Rowling, "Dobby's Reward," Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, 1999, spoken by the character Arthur Weasley
July 24: Nothing like a nighttime stroll to give you ideas. ~J.K. Rowling, "The Egg and The Eye," Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, 2000, spoken by the character Mad-Eye Moody
July 25: Well, I am watching My Big Fat Greek Wedding, and thought I would just put the quote from it I just heard that made me laugh and laugh:
Maria Portokalos: Toula, on my wedding night, my mother, she said to me, "Greek women, we may be lambs in the kitchen, but we are tigers in the bedroom."
Toula Portokalos: Eww. Please let that be the end of your speech.
July 26: Happy Birthday Armour!!! Time really does fly...
July 27: I swam in a lake today...seriously. Armour loved it and is going to be a swimmer just like his siblings, I think.
July 28: Ah...Saturdays! How I love them! I sortof think it is funny that we celebrated pioneer day as a stake today here in Spokane, but we did and it was fun...BTW, I love, love, LOVE watermelon. Why do I have to be reminded of that every year?!
July 29: Happy Birthday Stefanie!! Well, I feel I should write a Stefanie story as it is her birthday, but all my stories would be long and detailed, and HILARIOUS! So, I will just say this-Stef really is hilarious, just like she always tells me! :)
July 30: Here's a thought-don't fall down the stairs!
July 31: Napoleon Dynamite: Can you bring me my chapstick?
Kip: No, Napoleon.
Napoleon Dynamite: But my lips hurt real bad!
Ever feel like Napoleon?! I do ALL the time since I moved here to the land of little it will be nice for my skin to return to Omaha. Although my hair is really doing well here... :)

Monday, July 30, 2007

The Birthday party

Well, I have more pics from Armour's birthday, these are from the party. I tried to post a video of him "eating" the cake, but couldn't get it to work-I'll keep trying. He had his party combined with Isaac who was also turning 1 on the 26th. You will see them both in the pictures. I made 2 Mickey Mouse cakes for them, and Jessica, Isaac's mom, made cupcakes for everyone else. My cakes sucked, but they were just to be destroyed anyway, right?! When we gave them the cakes, they just stared for a while, but then they both got into the cakes pretty well. Admittedly, Isaac got a lot messier and ended up getting into both cakes, while Armour ended up overturning his cake into the grass multiple times...Here are some pictures.

Horrible cake #1
Horrible Cake #2Isaac and Armour watch the candle lighting "A little messy, but mom and dad didn't take pics of me at my messiest-silly parents!"Ah...the overturned cake on the leg...

What the cake looked like when Army was done with it.

Isaac wasn't done with either cake for a while...

Still picking at the cake a bit, with my stick...

In my cute outfit from XiaXia, Papou, Mel and Spence...Don't I look cute?

One last cute shot...Solace put my hat backwards!

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