Thursday, January 10, 2008


Well, usually when I blog it is to show off my adorable family and tell you our greatest (or funniest) news, but today I think I will take a break from my positive interactions to throw in a rave. So, here it goes-this week has been a bit rough. First I guess I should mention that last week when we had our ultrasound (I may have mentioned before that these cost us $250 each time we have one BTW) it took 2 1/2 hours to get the thing done. Half way through we realized the reason it was taking so long was that the girl doing it was a trainee and she had NO supervision. So the last 20 minutes her boss came in and basically redid the whole thing. I told the boss that she needed to make sure it was all right and all was well because we could not afford to come back in to get another one. She understood as sh has the same insurance we have since she is a hospital employee as well. So, just keep that in mind as I mention my week...

Wes was a=scheduled to take 2 applicants out to a dinner on Monday night , but when he called them over the weekend, he learned that they were actually scheduled for dinner on Sunday night. So, though we obviously don't usually go out on Sundays, we took the applicants out Sunday. Shortly after returning home from the dinner and from getting our kids, I started to hurt intensely in my back. Now, being 20 or so weeks pregnant, I thought it must be a pinched nerve or something, but it was more intense pain than I have had before. I had an appointment on Wednesday so I figured I'd just get through until then. This was a big painful mistake, as my back got worse as well as other symptoms. So by the time of my appointment Wednesday I had a whole list of crap going on. And when I got there the doctor had a report from the ultrasound, that basically had some weird measurements (most likely caused my the tech that was learning), but we have to go get another $250 ultrasound in 2 weeks to make sure it was her error in fact. Also the doctor has decided not to change my due date and is going to stick with the May 25th date (I am sticking to the May 17th). Also, I have some sort of bladder or kidney infection as well as a back injury that is going to have me going to physical therapy now (just more medical bills). This is obviously just another blow financially and to my state of mind, made even worse by the fact that (he will hate me mentioning this), Wes got in a car accident (small but somewhat significant to our car as the hood will not open) on Tuesday night too. So, basically, when it rains it pours!!!

Man, Life is crazy, and now I feel better having ranted and raved about that! Thanks for letting me get that off my chest!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Oh...and Happy Birthday Elvis...

I totally should have mentioned that today is also Elvis's birthday. Andrea and Elvis have always had a special bond of sorts, hey I think they even kinda look alike...OK, Maybe not that one, but I thought this was something worth a mention...

Happy January Birthdays!! (and a few December)

Today, on my little sister's 27th birthday (man is she old-and boring, just ask her son!!) I thought I would send out a shout out to all the many many January birthday's in my family. I hope I haven't missed any, but very well could have. Sorry! But Happy Birthday to all of you January babies!

Brooke, my cousin. 19 on Jan 1st (Yes, a New Years baby)Andrea, my sister, the BORING 27 year old today (Jan 8).
Papou (That's grandpa in Greek) in turning 86 tomorrow, Jan 9th.
My mom will be 51 on the 10th (will she hate that I put her age? Maybe...)
My Grandma Shirley's birthday is on Jan 13th. I have no clue how old she is...

Coach Jeremy,my brother-in-law (Andrea's husband) will be thirtysomething (32?) on Jan 16th. I should also note that my cousin JoJo's birthday is this same day and he is Andrea's boring old age of 27.
Action Jaxon, my nephew will be 6 on Jan 20th. Holy crap he is old! Happy birthday Jaxon!
I just thought I should note that my aunt Cathy was diagnosed with brain cancer about 9 months or so ago, and told she would live about 3 months. However, On Christmas Eve, 2007 we were blessed to be able to celebrate her 50th birthday with her!! I though that was worth a mention especially since I missed the birthdays while I was in Utah...
Ashley, Wes's sister had a birthday December 19th and I'm thinking she turned 23?

One other birthday I missed in December was Grandma Nelson who turned even younger on December 29th. We were lucky enough to spend that evening visiting with her before we had to return to Spokane.

In Memory of Checkers

Well, as we thought about the great year we had in 2007, Solace pointed out to me that it was great, but that we did have a big loss in the family with the death of Checkers dog. (This is all being brought up again for her as their classroom pet "Fireball Toadie" died over the holiday break). So, this is in loving memory of Checkers dog! (As a side note, the 3 things Ender asked Santa for were a kid set of tools, a puppy for himself, and a puppy for his grandpa so he wouldn't be so sad about checkers anymore.)

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