Thursday, February 7, 2008

Our trip to the Philippines

Today the kids and I went to the museum nad our favorite part was the Philippines village. We took a LOT of pictures to show daddy (he went on his mission to Quezon City in the Philippines). We thought we would share the pictures we took with everyone-we know it's a long picture full blog, but we hope you enjoy our "trip to the Philippines." (You may have to click on the pics to enlarge them and read some of the signs.)

Welcome to this island/town.
About the hut.
In the hut

About the boatA in the boat
S & friend in the boatAbout the basket market
S Shopping at the basket market

About the Sari Sari storeThe signE running the Sari Sari store (Wes-check out all the stuff on the shelves and stuff)

S & friend shopping at the Sari Sari
Some of the products

More shopping

The fish market across the way from the Sari Sari
(Who knew Mel was a Dr and a store owner!)

While we were immersed in the culture, we learned a bit about the kinds of fruit at the market, and how to say their names in Tagalog. We also picked up a bit of the local language (Tagalog). But, as S pointed out to one of her friends, we actually know more Tagalog that is on this sign cause we all know how to say I love you (Mahal Kita) as well! And we know how to ask to get off the bus (or something like that...)

From what Wes has told me about the Philippines, the only things missing were long strands of pearls, big crowds, and a bunch of crazy, crazy traffic. Wes-any commentary?! Please leave it in comment form!

Sol's Field Trip

Today we took a field trip to the Children's Museum here with Solace's class. Tomorrow we will do the same field trip with Ender's class! It will rock I am sure. Our favorite part was the Philippines village (those pics will be in another, very long blog). It was an OK museum over all, but mostly it made us really miss our Omaha Children's Museum!

Armour drives Ender drives
Solace the firefighter
Armour and Ender
Bongo boy Army.
Big Bongo boy Ender
Barney Solace (her choice-not mine...)
Tigger Ender and Barney Solace on the Bongos.

The future rock band made up of my children.
In the ball area that is supposed to represent a blood cell.
Trying to get A out of the balls.
Playing with water.
Ender took this pic as we were getting ready to go up to the lunch.

Tuesday we had some more snow...

Although the snow is now melting and getting rained on, we had another pretty good storm on Tuesday. It was coing down pretty nicely-you really have to click on the pictures to truely appreciate how much snow was coming down! But I went out just to take out the trash and I documented my walk in photos-here are a few for your viewing pleasure!

This is out the front door. Looking at my van
Looking in the general direction of the dumpsters.
Me going back into the house!

Monday, February 4, 2008

A new Prophet!

In case you care, and hadn't heard yet. Here is our new Prophet and his councilors in the First Presidency.

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