Thursday, February 7, 2008

Sol's Field Trip

Today we took a field trip to the Children's Museum here with Solace's class. Tomorrow we will do the same field trip with Ender's class! It will rock I am sure. Our favorite part was the Philippines village (those pics will be in another, very long blog). It was an OK museum over all, but mostly it made us really miss our Omaha Children's Museum!

Armour drives Ender drives
Solace the firefighter
Armour and Ender
Bongo boy Army.
Big Bongo boy Ender
Barney Solace (her choice-not mine...)
Tigger Ender and Barney Solace on the Bongos.

The future rock band made up of my children.
In the ball area that is supposed to represent a blood cell.
Trying to get A out of the balls.
Playing with water.
Ender took this pic as we were getting ready to go up to the lunch.


Andrea Griggs said...

Looks like fun-that's cool they had a Philipino village, I bet the kids LOVED that!

Anonymous said...

You have some pretty cute kids! Looks like you guys are having a lot of fun!


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