Friday, January 30, 2009

25 Random Things

On Facebook, my cousin Laura and my friend Sarah both tagged me for this one last week.

I already posted it on Facebook, but thought I ought to put it here too.

So, here it is!

Rules:Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you.

1-Though I grew up in Utah, I have only been skiing 2 times, both of which were after I was married.
2- I am addicted to TV. Well, addicted might be too strong because I can totally live without it, but I just love, love it! I find so many shows entertaining. I get angry when shows show a repeat when it should be a new episode! It sucks!
3-If I had named my children alone, they would be (in this order) Scarlett, Creighton, Ender and Tamsin instead of Solace, Ender, Armour and Kindle. However, now, I like the names we chose together so very much more (though if we have another girl I am still in love with Tamsin!)
4-When I was in high school, I loved it and I thought I was fairly popular. Since high school I have realized I was unpopular and awkward, but I am grateful I did not realize it then-I had a lot more fun in my delusional popularity!
5-Growing up doing theatre I always had directors and teachers tell me to think of something that was sad when I was supposed to act sad or upset and I could never get a grasp around that. I could never make myself act sad very well and was thus not a very good dramatic actress. Now I understand loss and sadness and cry each and every time I think I want to call or visit my aunt Cathy but I cannot. I cry at the fact I miss her though I know I will see her again. I am crying just typing this...
6-My kids say crazy things, especially my boys, and I love it! They make me laugh at least a thousand times a day!
7-I cannot stand any food that has soggy bread. Or anything soggy-bread-like. It makes me gag. This includes thing like dumplings in soup, sandwiches with sauce that have not had bread toasted, and many many other foods.
8-I hate to shop. I really really do-it feels like a chore. But I LOVE to get a great deal-that makes shopping worth it!
9-Red Box is my favorite.
10-I have never in my life met anyone with as big a vocabulary as my husband (well-and his whole family really). They routinely use words in everyday speak that I have never heard of. 11-My ancestor shot Alexander Hamilton in a duel (Aaron Burr)
12- I tend to compare my age to the roles in musical theatre that I could currently ply or am too old to play, like "Darn, I must be getting old cause I can no longer play Liesl in Sound of Music, I am more of a Maria. Actually, I am even on the old end of a Maria, but thank goodness I haven't hit Mother Superior yet! Maybe Else?"
13- I am a die hard Utes fan and being away from Utah and being a Mormon Utes fan is a rarity. I LOVE it when Utah beats BYU. I know my ward gets sad and upset, but I LOVE, LOVE it!!! I get great joy in winning (I am a poor loser and an even worse winner!) It was awesome to be undefeated this year! Go Utes!!
14- When I moved into this house, I was terrified of the attic. I had a nightmare almost every night for the past 7 months where Wes went up into the Attic, and the old owner had some crap stashed up there that he did not want found so he had set a trap that chopped off the head of anyone that tried to climb up into the attic. (It was similar to the end of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade) So, I kept having this horrible dream about Wes going up and getting his head chopped off. Well, Wes in reality had to go up in there to investigate a leak on Saturday, and happily I can report my crazy dream did not come true, and I did not have that dream the last 2 nights!
15- My husband hates any social interaction (party, dinner, etc) that lasts more than an hour-seriously. You could set a clock by it-he starts to get antsy after being out and social for an hour-it makes for miserable ward parties and other such activities...
16- In spite of his anti-social behaviors, Wes likes people and they like him. He just likes to have things moving and done quickly. Everybody Loves Wesley!
17- My roommate Penni told me one very memorable thing about her friend Wes before I ever met him-she said he had very kissable lips like Vince Vaughn. She was right. I occasionally think of his "kissable lips" and am glad I get to kiss them so much! (Sorry-too much info, but a fun and interesting fact).
18- I still hold a bit of insane hope of being on Broadway someday-at this point I would have to be a billionaire producer and produce myself as the lead in something, but hey-anything can happen...
19- I love staying at home with my kids though it does have it's frustrations. When I think back on the frustrations of teaching school though, I am grateful for the small set backs at home.
20-Most of you would know this one, but in case not...I am the oldest of 4 kids. I am 30, my sister Andrea is 28, my sister Melanie is 20, and my brother Spence is 11. We all 4 have the same mom and dad, we just have huge age gaps between kids...
21-My brother's actual name is Stephen Merle Enderton Jr but we have always called him Spence.
22- Turning 30 was sad.
23- I hated chocolate and Hawaii as a kid. I love them both now. Actually I would love to live in Hawaii and eat chocolate often...but not gain weight...
24- I love my blog and am trying to make it into a book currently.
25- Some of you might remember the fit about Curly fries?! I might have been a bit of a diva...

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