Thursday, February 14, 2008

Valentines Day

OK-this next picture is just for those of you that are single this year. I remember this is how I always felt before I was married (even when I had a boyfriend). I just thoguht it was really funny too!!And on Valentines day, I couldn't help but include a few pictures of my Valentine and to say how much I really love him!! Wes-you are the best and I love and adore you-thanks for choosing me!

ANd my cute little Valentines-Solace, Ender, Armour-you all rock!! Mom and dad love you!!
And we figure Valentines day is really about sharing the love period! Not just for your sweetheart and kids, but all the family. So, Happy Valentines Day to all our family and friends!!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


OK, so Heidi points out that I only put 5 things on my quirks blog. My bad. I guess I better put up 2 more (one to make the 6 I was supposed to do, and one as punishment...) :)

6-Up until December of last year I hated Hawaii. When I was younger and we went to Hawaii, I was really sick with a high fever the whole time, and was convinced it was Hawaii's fault for being so hot. So, I would never go back and even refused it as an idea for our honeymoon because I was sure it was an evil place. Last December I went back and realized my grave mistake, and I now absolutely love Hawaii!!

7-Growing up, I hated chocolate, but none of my friend's moms would believe that a child would not like chocolate and would literally push it on me at parties and stuff, so I finally started to tell people I was allergic to chocolate. I maintained that until I was like a teenager and discovered I liked chocolate after all.

There you go-sorry for the cheating Heidi! I hope the last 2 were an ok make up assignment and that my grade won't be affected too greatly!! :)

Quirks/Interesting facts...

Well, my sister tagged me, so I thought I would go ahead and do this...

The rules:
1) Post the rules on your blog.
2) Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself.
3) Tag at least three people at the end of your post.
4) Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
5) Let the fun begin!

Here are six oh-so-interesting or not-so-intersesting things about me:

1-I LOVE Cadbury eggs and Girl Scout cookies (mainly Samoas and Thin Mints). I wait all year long for Cadbury egg time and was so excited this year when they came out with a Christmas ornament one this Christmas-AWESOME!!! Generally I gain about 10 pounds during Cadbury egg season (though I have not yet had one this Cadbury Egg season). The funny thing is that I can NEVER remember when Gril Scout cookie time of year is and ALWAYS miss getting cookies by days.

2-I love Brittney Spears music (her life is sad, but her music is good), and 2 of my all time favorite songs ever are Britney Spears version of "(I can't get no) Satisfaction" and Justin Timberlake's "Sexy/Back."

3-Usually if I lose my temper with my husband it is because he has been listening to AM talk radio which I hate, HATE, HATE!!!!!!!!!!! It gives me a headache and puts me in such a bad mood that I can barely function. Literally, if Wes has been driving my van and I turn it on the next morning and AM talk radio is on, even if I only hear it for a second before I emphatically turn it OFF, it pisses me off for the rest of the day.

4-I started writing a book over a year ago, got about 5 chapters into it, was really thinking it was pretty good, showed it to Wes who liked it, but gave me a critical analysis of it. Then he started to brainstorm all the different ways he thought the book could or should go and what he liked and what he didn't like, and I already had a plot and everything set and was beyond brainstorming (unbeknownst to Wes). So, after showing it to him and talking about it, I gave up on writing it and have not even looked at it or anything since then. Basically, I cannot take criticism well, especially from Wes. Maybe someday I will look at it again and if you're lucky, I might even post a bit of it on here (yeah right)!

5-Wes and I do not fight. Seriously. We disagree on things, but neither of us really likes to argue or fight, so we don't. If either of us is upset at the other, we generally just quietly avoid talking until we are calm enough to do so without yelling or being overly emotional. We have had only 1 serious yelling at each other fight in 6 1/2 years.

So, who do I tag?! Lindsey, Heidi, Stefanie & Carly.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

And in case you wondered about Nyx (the runner up)

Nyx is Night, a powerful goddess whose dark light falls from the stars, and who dictates not only to men but also to gods. Even Zeus does not wish to upset Night.

"The goddess Nyx was the personification of Night in Greek mythology. One of the best sources for information about this goddess comes from the Theogony of Hesiod. A great many references are made to Nyx in this poem that describes the birth of the Greek gods and goddesses. And the explanation for this is simple - Nyx played an important role in myth as one of the first divine beings to come into existence.

Hesiod states that Night was the daughter of Chaos, which makes her one of the first creatures ever to emerge from the void. This means that Nyx was the sister to some of the oldest deities in Greek myth, including Erebus (Darkness), Gaia (the Earth), and Tartarus (the Underworld). From these primeval powers came the rest of the Greek gods and goddesses. And Nyx was responsible for bearing her share of divine children.

Nyx gave birth to a number of offspring. Some of these children of Night were Eris (Discord or Strife), the Moirai (Fates), Hypnos (Sleep), Nemesis (Retribution), Thanatos (Death), and the Hesperides. While these beings were born from the goddess alone, without a father, Nyx also had children by the god Erebus. To Erebus the goddess bore Aether (Air) and Hemera (Day)."

I don't really know why, but somehow I find her more intriguing and interesting then Hera...

A Bit about Hera...

According to Edith Hamilton's Mythology:

"Hera (Juno)

She was Zeus's wife and sister. The Titans Ocean and Tethys brought her up. She was the protector of marriage, and married women were her particular care. There is very little that is attractive in the portrait the poets draw of her. She is called, indeed, in an early poem,

Golden-throned Hera, among immortals the queen.
Chief among them in beauty, the glorious lady
All the blessed in high Olympus revere,
Honor even as Zeus, the lord of thunder.

But when any account of her gets down to details, it shows her chiefly engaged in punishing the many women Zeus fell in love with, even when they yielded only because he coerced or tricked them. It made no difference to Hera how reluctant any of them were or how innocent; the goddess treated them all alike. Her implacable anger followed them and their children too. She never forgot an injury. The Trojan War would have ended in an honorable peace, leaving both sides unconquered, if it had not been for her hatred of a Trojan who had judged another goddess lovelier than she. The wrong of her slighted beauty remained with her until Troy fell in ruins.

In one important story, the Quest of the Golden Fleece, she is the gracious protector of heroes and the inspirer of heroic deeds, but not in any other. Neverltheless she was venerated in every home. She was the goddess married women turned to for help. Ilithyia (or Eileithyia), who helped women in childbirth, was her daughter.

The cow and the peacock were sacred to her. Argos was her favorite city."

I also read elsewhere that the Pomegranete is an improtant symbol of her.

So, what do you think? Does it sound like me?! (I really hope Wes is saying no...) But, I do like pomegranets and I am beautiful...

Which Greek Goddess am I?!

So, I took this quiz, and here are my results. If you want to know what Greek God or Goddess you are, just click the link and take the quiz!

which greek god or goddess are you
created with
You scored as herra

you are queen of all the gods and goddesses





























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