Tuesday, February 12, 2008


OK, so Heidi points out that I only put 5 things on my quirks blog. My bad. I guess I better put up 2 more (one to make the 6 I was supposed to do, and one as punishment...) :)

6-Up until December of last year I hated Hawaii. When I was younger and we went to Hawaii, I was really sick with a high fever the whole time, and was convinced it was Hawaii's fault for being so hot. So, I would never go back and even refused it as an idea for our honeymoon because I was sure it was an evil place. Last December I went back and realized my grave mistake, and I now absolutely love Hawaii!!

7-Growing up, I hated chocolate, but none of my friend's moms would believe that a child would not like chocolate and would literally push it on me at parties and stuff, so I finally started to tell people I was allergic to chocolate. I maintained that until I was like a teenager and discovered I liked chocolate after all.

There you go-sorry for the cheating Heidi! I hope the last 2 were an ok make up assignment and that my grade won't be affected too greatly!! :)

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