Thursday, October 23, 2008


OK, so I read a funny little thing once. It was a list. You know one of those things like "You know you live in Utah if..." or "You know you have kids if..." Well, This one was "You know you are a cyber-nerd if..." I am not going to lie, I was kind-of surprised (ok not very surprised at all) to learn that I could check off almost all of the thing that make you a "cyber-nerd." Things like having a blog (that you actually update), checking your email multiple times a day, Being on multiple networking sites (MySpace, Facebook), and having more contact online with family and friends than offline (cut me some slack on this one I live far from most of my friends and all my family). It also had things like "You would rather order a pizza online than on the phone" (that is so me-I hate the phone.). Like I said, I could check all of these things off, but there was one major one that I did not have that made me feel I could still claim not to be a cyber-nerd. It said "You know you are a cyber nerd if you have more than 300 friends on Facebook." Fwww, I thought, I don't have even close to that many-I am SOOOO not a cyber-nerd!" I have been holding on to that for quite a while.

Now I have 312 friends on Facebook....


Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Update...coming soon

I owe a huge update as I have been largely absent from blogging for a while. Sorry to say that it is still forthcoming and when it does, watch out!! Sorry for the wait, but just know that we are well, busy, and as always, trying to find the happiness in this crazy thing we call life!

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