Friday, September 26, 2008

Halloween Choices

I just thought you all might want to know that my 3 oldest kids have each picked what they want to be for Halloween. They are all very, VERY set on their decisions and I thought I ought to share those decisions with all of you.

Solace's choice:
Ender's Choice:
VampireArmour's choice:

Yes, I am serious. Armour is set on being Papou (aka my dad) for what now? I get some gray hairspray, glasses, and Dockers?!

For Wes

Happy Birthday Grandpa!

Today is Steve's birthday-he's even older than his wife...but younger than my dad...We just wanted to say happy birthday! When asked about their grandpa, the kids say their favorite things are:
Solace: that he likes to play.
Ender: that he helps me read.
Armour: that he looks like my daddy.

So, Steve, thanks for being a great dad, father-in-law, and grandpa. We love and miss you and hope you have a great birthday. We wish we could be there, but since we can't we will just eat cherry chocolate bars and let your look alike son stand in as your representative today! We'll even sing to him...ok maybe not, but it was an idea inspired by Armour's favorite thing about his grandpa!!

Happy Birthday Steve!!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Calling all, that means you...

Oh yeah-that's right people-this is my 400th post. Instead of thinking of that as sad, I am just going to think of all the memories I have journaled on here! Awesome!!! I am excited about that.

Now, I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank my readers for reading, and to thank all of you that gave me book suggestions on my blog "Class is in Session". I just wanted to respond and update on my reading...

1-I took the first suggestion I got and took out my copy of Tess of the D'Urbervilles (yes-I own it and have never read it). I am currently reading that. (Thanks Laura)
2-I have never even heard of These is My Words, and it came recommended multiple times-I will have to look into that one for sure!
3-I have to say that I, like Natalie, love the English language and books in general. I love reading books that make me think about the world in a different way. Of the suggestions Natalie gave me, I have only read The Hiding Place (which I love!) and Anne of Green Gables (which I have not read in a long time. I am seriously behind on my classics reading and honestly, when I was assigned a "classic" to read in school-I usually skipped it...sad, I know. But I am discovering why they are called classics-I agree with Mick that classics are called that for a reasons and tend to be really good. That is probably going to be my next kick-we'll call it a classics catch-up!
4-I am glad Sarah mentioned the Koontz Frankenstein books-my in-laws also recommended those, and I had forgotten. Definitely on the list. I sadly, did not really like Life Expectancy-I think I may have had too much Koontz in a row by then...I have not read any of the other books Sarah mentioned...except...
5-Wicked-I love that book and cannot believe I didn't put it on my list. I have read most of the books by Gregory Maguire. Awesome.
6-I love teen fiction books so will certainly look for Book Thief. Has anyone else read Speak? VERY powerful book! I really was amazed by that book-very well done, kind-of sad, but so real. I read that when I was teaching high school and still find myself thinking about how I felt as I read that book all these years later. It was good. I recommend it highly and it should have been high on my list!
7-I was so excited to get recommendations from aunt Karen! Thank you so much! I have not read any of those you recommended either and I really want to read The Host. Wes read all the Christopher Paolini books though so we own them-I will read those soon.
8-Love the idea of looking at the other Pimpernel books-sadly that thought had not even crossed my mind-thanks Mick for thinking for me!
9-Great idea Mel-I love Orson Scott Card-Loved The Seventh Son books and the Ender's Game series (all should have been on my list), and have not read Lost Boys!
10-Again with Jane Austen-I have started all her books and not finished any, but I bought them all when I was in Utah and will read them all before the end of Solace's school year-just for Stefanie and Natalie! It is my goal!! There-it is in writing-no getting out of that now!
11-I loved the Work and the Glory books too and cannot believe they were not on my list-thanks for the reminder, Jen! Also loved To Kill a Mockingbird-my copy of it has been read enough that it looks like it has been through a brawl. All your suggestions look awesome! Thanks!

So, basically I have learned that I am not all that well read and have a long way to go. Thank goodness I have well-read friends and family that can help me out along the way as I try to better myself and smarten up! You are all amazingly awesome to help me out and I am excited to read, and read and read-oh and I am still taking suggestions! (Come on Mom-if ever there was a blog for you to comment on, this would be the one right up your alley!!)

Maybe I should start an online book club-I am reading Tess of the D'Ubervilles, anyone want to join me? It can be the October book of the month...I'll put it on my sidebar.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Happy Birthday Spence!!

I would feel remiss if I let the day pass without saying happy birthday to my baby brother (who is not much of a baby anymore)!! Happy Birthday-you are almost a teenager now-scary! I hope you have a great day and as you made a photo montage for my birthday, I thought I would do the same for you today on your birthday! Keep growing well and making wise decisions-you rock! And my kids love their littlest uncle (though I am sure Cody will be the littlest uncle soon here)! You are awesome anyway, and we all love you an miss you. We wish we could be there for your birthday-in fact, Ender has been bugging me to buy a cake to celebrate your birthday for 2 days now. He told me we should bring you a cake to Utah and when I told him we couldn't do that, he said "Well, we should at least get a cake and eat it for him." I didn't get a cake, but I bought Krispy Kreames and we are eating them to honor your birthday!!

Melanie's meanderings...

In case anyone wondered what Melanie has been up to at school, I stole a bunch of pictures that her sorority sisters put up on Facebook of her and here they are. I don't know anything other that what I can see. Mel-we all expect a long comment on this telling us what you are doing in there fun pictures. We are glad to see you are having a good time!

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