Friday, September 26, 2008

Happy Birthday Grandpa!

Today is Steve's birthday-he's even older than his wife...but younger than my dad...We just wanted to say happy birthday! When asked about their grandpa, the kids say their favorite things are:
Solace: that he likes to play.
Ender: that he helps me read.
Armour: that he looks like my daddy.

So, Steve, thanks for being a great dad, father-in-law, and grandpa. We love and miss you and hope you have a great birthday. We wish we could be there, but since we can't we will just eat cherry chocolate bars and let your look alike son stand in as your representative today! We'll even sing to him...ok maybe not, but it was an idea inspired by Armour's favorite thing about his grandpa!!

Happy Birthday Steve!!


Andrea Griggs said...

Happy Birthday, Steve!

Beckee-I don't think I've ever realized it before, but now I'll always know when Wes' parents birthdays are since they both share birthdays with other people in my family! With 365 days a year and we have at least 2 days with multiple birthdays!

Stefanie said...

hmmm.... I didn't realize that until I read the comment...
Andrea's a sleuth.

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