Saturday, May 17, 2008

Seven Happy Years!!!

Today is our 7th wedding anniversary!! I love Wes even more than I did 7 years ago and look forward to more years to come! Here's to 7 years!!

Engagement photo Wedding pics

After the honeymoon pic...

Friday, May 16, 2008

Too Cute

Melanie took this picture today and it was too cute to keep to myself!! (Those with a discerning eye might notice Army's hair is a bit shorter-stay tuned for an update on his first buzz...)

Oly Titans RULE!!!

My friend Anne posted these questions about high school and I thought I would answer them myself and put it on my blog. I don't have any awesome pics to put up from high school with it though as I have packed most of my non-digital pictures now...but enjoy my answers I guess...

1. If you could go back and tell your teenage self one thing, what would it be? Keep dating a lot and have fun. Oh-but make a bit more time for studying, just learn as much as you can-actually make time to read the assigned books in English, study math and science much more and for goodness sakes-keep an eye out for a hot guy named Wes Johnson in institute choir when you start college!!!

2. Did you do any extra curricular activities in high school? Um...yeah...lots and lots...I did drama club, Model UN, HUGS (Help Us Give Service), Choir (concert & Ladies ensemble), NAHS (National Art Honor Society), Spanish Club, Homecoming committee...and a few other things here and there.

3. Coolest thing you did as a teenager? Played Adelaide.

4. What did you do with your free time? Free time?! I guess that was when I was dating...

5. Did you have a boyfriend in high school? Yes-I had quite a few...

6. Bands that come to mind: Seriously, I don't know...

7. If you could change one thing what would it be? I would not have put up with so much crap from Vicki & I would have been more outgoing.

8. What did you think you would be when you grew up? Broadway star, & wife to incredibly handsome, sexy, and successful man (hey 1/2 ain't bad!!!)

9. Picture of self...
Currently unavailable-maybe someone reading this has one available-Andrea? Heidi? Anyone? If you have a HS pic of me-send it over and I'll post it!

10. Craziest thing you did in High School: Don't know-hung out at the theatre maybe...I wasn't nearly as crazy as people may have believed...

11. Other great memories were: Dances at the school, Being in musicals in school and in community, AP art history tour-awesome!!!, AP music theory. Late nights at Denny's, Hanging out with Rob, Matt, awesome ward...lots of fun, fun activities.


Seriously-what the heck-did the Jazz forget they had a game to show up for tonight or what?! Dang!!!

OK-so they showed up for the last few minutes-will they pull this out?! 3 points...

Of names and birthdays...

Well, I know many were surprised by our choice of name for our girl, probably mainly because it is not one we mentioned much. But, I just thought I would give you all the 411 on the beautiful name Kindle Catherine. If you have read any of the previous blogs about names here, you should be aware that I have 2 major requirements for our children's names. 1-Unique (as in can't have been on the SSA top 1000 name in the past 100 years), and 2- has to be meaningful. All of our children have one "unique" name and one "normal" name, and all the "normal" names have been family names (OK-let's be honest, our first 3 kid's normal names are all from their parents-Solace REBEKAH, STEVEN Enderton, & Armour WESLEY...).

So, how did we get to Kindle Catherine?! I am sure you wonder what happened to the other names. Up until recently my top choice was Tamsin (unique and meaningful as it is a female form of Thomas and she would have been named after Wesley's youngest brother). Wesley's top choice as been Rosette, Solace's was Robette (meaning a small robe), Ender's was purplepotomus, and Armour, well, I think Armour would likely have gone with "Jorj".

While I was pregnant and we were trying to determine the name we talked a lot about how she seemed to be a really fiery personality. She was so active and just seemed fiery, so we started to look up word related to fire. The name Kimball was already on our short list, and we thought about the name Kindle, meaning to set fire to or ignite. We thought it was perfect. It quickly moved up our list as a name we liked. Add to that the fact that we had decided months ago, well before Cathy's death, that we were going to give our daughter the middle name of Catherine after Cathy. Now obviously there is a great alliteration with Kindle Catherine, so when it came down to it, that is what we liked the best and went with.

As far as her birthday, I have been accused of stacking the decks to that Solace (and Heidi of course) would win the blog birthday pool. I just want to say that I did not choose the day. When I was at the doctor's office a few weeks back he told me he would induce me a couple weeks early based on the baby's size and the fact that I am moving May 31st. However, he said some of his partners would not induce that early, so we had to make sure to schedule it the day he was on call. That just happened to be the 13th. So that's when it was scheduled. Granted I was pretty psyched to have a girl with a 13 birthday just like me-I won't forget her birthday anytime soon!

We love our new little Kindle and the more I get used to her name, the more I like it!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Me? Obsessed with pictures?! No...

OK-these are too cute not to post-she was looking around at me and everything...I LOVE the 3rd one!!!

And she cleans up good...

Well, Kindle couldn't get a bath until the middle of the night last night, so all of yesterday's pics are before the first bath-these are after. She sure is cute...and I dare say even getting cuter!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Kindle Catherine has arrived...

This afternoon at 12:25 we welcomed Kindle Catherine into the world. She was a big girl at 9 lb 4 oz, but shorter than our other kids were at a mere 19.5 inches. She is adorable, and looks a lot like Army! The kids love her already and cannot wait to get her home. Enjoy the pics!!

Mom in labor-look how happy I am...
Minutes old...
I am a big girl-imagine how big I'd have been had I gone the last 2 weeks
(official due date was May 25th...)

I have spunk!!!
Daddy helps me out.
Best pic ever-click on this one and check out her face big-so cute!!!

The new big brother holds his baby-he's been saying non-stop "Kindle's Armour's baby!"
Check out his smile!
"Kindle's eyes!"
E holds his new baby!
Aren't we cute?
So, So cute!
Sisters! Yeah!!!!
Solace LOVES her sister a ton!!!
An aunt again-my sister Melanie with Kindle.
Cute pic-Mel didn't know I was taking this one and look at that cute look on her face!
Mom and Kindle!!!

Happy Birthday Kindle!!!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

SSA Names 2007

OK, so evidently today the Social Security Administration released the list of most popular names from last year. Check out this article about the names. Or just go browse the top 1000 here. FYI-non of our kids names are on the list still! Yeah for unique names...

Mothers Day

To all you mothers out there, but especially to my mother and to my mother-in-law,

Rochelle & Anne-we love you both and really appreciate all you do for us and have always done for us! We are blessed and grateful to have both grown up with such great moms raising us!

Love, Wes & Beckee

Last Chance...

OK, Baby will be here on Tuesday, and in case anyone is taking bets or gambling on the baby's name, this is your last chance to guess. Though I am not revealing anything, I think Wes and I are pretty sure of the name...good luck with your guesses... :)

Of due dates...

OK-you may have noticed that I have like 3 different baby counters on this blog with all different countdowns and due dates...let me explain...According to my last menstrual cycle (August 17th) the due date would be May 23. However, my doctors office put it down as May 25th (we learned this week that some of the wheels the offices use are 2 days off-evidently my doctor's office has one of those wheels). In the first 2 early ultrasounds that were done (and that are supposed to be the most accurate) the due dates were May 23rd and May 17th. The one that said May 23 was done by a tech in the hospital about a week and a half before the one that said May 17th. That one was done in the doctor's office by an OB that did a fellowship in ultrasound. So, obviously there was some discussion as to whether the due date should be changed to the 17th or not. I have, since then been going with the 17th due date-it seems to me to be the most accurate based on all the information through the whole pregnancy. But, officially they have not changed the date from the 25th. In this later part of this pregnancy this has caused some hassle because there has been some question as to how far along I am. But, regardless of all that crap, I am being induced on Tuesday, May 13th (yes in two days)...Yeah!

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