Thursday, September 13, 2007

A present for the mommy aka Armour's first blog

Happy Birthday mom-look what I did with my crackers... Don't I look cute in this mess?

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


I am just 366 days from my 30th birthday, and I am actually feeling kinda bad about teasing Jeremy when he turned 30. I feel old and don't like it! Solace told her friend last night, "My mom only has one more day to be young like my dad, and that's tomorrow. Then she turns OLD, like 29, and then she'll be 30 and that is OLD!" AH the pleasant reminders from my sweet little girl!

Oh the sad sorry thing we call "van"

Those avid readers of this blog will remember that a few weeks ago, while in Cali, Wes did a good job of junking out my van. Well, I didn't want to plaster his van whoops all over this blog and not even mention my own, more recent whoops...So, here it is. For those that have not been to our place, this is where I have to park my van everyday:

Now, I was not fond of this spot, as I am notoriously a horrible parker. I swore that I would never park the van there the whole year we lived here! But, within the first month or so, I practiced and practiced getting into our spot without hitting any of the obstacles around (other cars, poles, garages...). It is a ridiculously small parking lot. But I finally got good at it. Too good in fact. I was better at parking there then Wes was after a while. That's where the big problems came in. I got comfortable, nay cocky about my excellent parking, and because of my cockiness and my hurry to park the other day, this is what the side of my van looks like now:Good thing it's a very sturdy pole, huh?!You should have seen poor Armour when I hit it. He was sitting in the seat right by the door (no worries-there isn't even any denting-just scratches and paint transfer, so he was unscathed). But he was a bit surprised at the knock and the loud noise! The other two were like, "Oh, mommy! I knew you should have let dad do that." Isn't it the worst when your kids think you can't do something well, and you prove them right over and over?! CRAZY!!!

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Oly Titans Rule: A look back at the high school years.

I have seen this survey on a few blogs lately, and as I missed my 10-year reunion on Saturday, I thought I should at least think about high school enough to fill this out! I really loved high school and was very sad I couldn't make it to the reunion! But, that aside, Go Titans!!

Fill this out about your years in high school! The longer ago it was,the more fun the answers will be!!

1. Who were your best friends? I had a lot of different friends. Mainly, my ward group, and the groupies (me included) that hung out at the Gundersen home. But my best friends were Rob N, Matt D (he went to Bountiful), Jalaine B, Jenny K, & Heidi S.
2. What sports did you play? Not unless we are counting that one week a year of Powder Puff.
3. What kind of car did you drive? Nissan Sentra XE hatchback, it was light blue and I loved it!
4. On a Friday nights what were you doing? Either rehearsing or at the football games, or on dates/out with friends.
5. Were you a party animal? I LOVE parties (not the things that tend to go along with them), but I just love to go hang out with my friends and party, so I kinda was...
6. Were you considered a flirt? I was by some...maybe even most...
7. Were you in band, orchestra, or choir? Choir
8. Were you a nerd? The funny thing here is that yes, I was a nerd, but I somehow thought I was popular back when it was happening...I realize now I was just delusional.
9. Did you get suspended/expelled? NO!
10. Can you still sing the fight song? Yes, and I can sing most of the school hymn as well...though they have replaced the hymn with a new song since I graduated.
11. Who was your favorite teacher? I had great teachers-loved Mrs Baskin-Sophomore Honors English, Mrs McConkie-AP art history, Mrs Murdock (now Edwards)-Drama, and Jack Ashton-AP Music Theory.
12. Where did you sit during lunch? On the rare occasion I stayed for lunch I was usually in the cafeteria getting help on some homework assignment, or outside just messing around.
13. Name the school full name? Olympus High School
14. School mascot? Titan
15. School Colors? Green and Gray
16. Rival high school? Skyline (which is where I taught by the way...)
17. Did you go to Prom? Yes!
18. If you could go back and do it again, would you? I loved high school, but I have outgrown it and wouldn't want to do it again. Life is just bigger and better with marriage, kids, and all the fun stuff after high school!
19. What do you remember most about graduation? Parties for days, no, weeks after. Lots of time with my friends, and then leaving to BYU almost immediately.
20. Where did you go senior skip day? I don't remember-I think I went to the BBQ at the Seminary building...or was that yearbook day?!
21. Favorite memory? I have a lot of great memories from high school, but I think Guys and Dolls was probably my favorite.
22. Were you in any clubs? Yes, every year I wanted to optimize my chances of being in the yearbook, so I joined every club I could!
23. Where did you go most often for lunch? Wendy's (it took one "Hey Jude" to get there! If you get that, then you must be a good friend!!)
24. Have you gained some weight since then? YES! Not too much considering I have had 3 children, but I certainly have gained a few pounds...
25. Who was your Senior prom date? Shahene! We went in the drama club group.
26. Are you planning on going to your 10-year reunion? I just missed it...SAD!
27. Who was your home room teacher? Didn't have a home room teacher, but for some reason I thin they counted 1st period as the same thing, which means it was Vicki (I had Ladies Ensemble 1st period for 2 years.)
28. Who will re-post this after you? I don't know, but everyone should. And if you went to our reunion-post pictures and stories, please!
29. Who was your high school sweetheart? Ya know, I dated a lot of guys in high school, I loved to date, and was lucky enough to get asked out a lot. I had a few boyfriends in high school, and after high school went on dates with a lot of the boys I would have liked to date from my high school. But, I am not naming names here...maybe someday...
30. Do you still talk to people from high school? A few...I would like to keep in better contact with a lot of them! Amazingly-this blog thing seems to be helping with that!
31.Did you win prom queen or king? Heck no. I was never in that league.
32. Where did you work in high school? Nordstrom-Fashion and Lingerie departments, We R Ties, my dad's law office, and Dans Foods as a checker.
33. What were your grades? A's and B's.
34. What was your dress style? Dramatic. I wore a lot of different things depending on my mood-I was a drama nerd...but not nearly as creative as most of the other drama kids...
35. What year did you graduate? 1997

OK-now it's your turn-I wanna hear your take on high school (especially if you went to high school with me!) This is fun for all ages-so blog about high school! Come on, it'll be fun...

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