Friday, July 13, 2007

As promised, an E moment...

So, this morning, the kids and I went to the pool with a couple other moms and their kids from our ward. It was a lot of fun for about 20 minutes. Then Ender got out of the pool, grabbed his towel, and said, "mom, I am ready for dinner." I must note that it was 10:45 AM at this point, and he had just eaten breakfast before coming over to the pool. So, I said, "No it's not time for dinner." I continued helping Armour in the pool thinking Ender and I were done with this discussion. I was wrong. About 3 minutes later, Ender, still standing out of the pool wrapped in his towel, said, with his best scowl on his face, and in his best grown up voice (and an imitation of me I might add), "Mom, you have exactly one minute left then we are going. I will start counting down very soon...10, 9, 8..." Hilarious!! And just another little Ender moment...

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