Monday, March 29, 2010

Boy have I got a deal...and it's bigger than the kids are tall!!

The other day I posted about our amazing deals at Hy-Vee (you can read that post here). In that post, I mentioned that the reciept for the great deal Wes got (50 cans of soup and 4 boxes of Frosted Flakes for $10.52 and he got a coupon for a free gallon of milk value up to 4.19-see picture above) was taller than our kids. Just thought you all might want to see a pictur of that! So, here are Ender and Solace next to the reciept:

Funny, right?!


1 comment:

Andrea Griggs said...

That is totally cool! I've never had a receipt taller than my kids. ;)

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