Saturday, August 2, 2008

King of accessories?! Yes, I think so...

In this old post, I showed how Army's outfit that day consisted of a belt and a diaper. In a comment, my sister-in-law noted that he can accessorize...boy was she right! He dressed himself again yesterday, and check him out:
Note the little lunch box thing and the hat. Also note the socks and shoes he picked and put on himself. The next picture is to make sure you notice the shirt is actually inside out which when I tried to fix it, he told me it was just like he likes it!!


Stefanie said...

yeah, all the kids are wearing there shirts inside out these days. But his Hat/Shoes match the stripes on the shirt and the lunch box just pulls everything together... Fashionista is getting a run for her money!!!!

Andrea Griggs said...

He's adorable-I love how he dresses himself!

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