Saturday, August 2, 2008

Bunk Bed!

So, we were going to buy a bunk bed when we arrived here, but as it turned out had enough expenses that we were unable to (plus bunk beds are WAY more expensive than I thought once you get the mattresses and everything especially...) So, Anyway, we put it off for a while, but that means Armour has not really had a bed, he has been the floating boy, sometimes he would sleep in Sol's bed while she slept in the guest bed, or he would sleep in the crib while Kindle used the playpen, or for a while he just slept in the play pen (until he announced one morning that he wanted a bed again!). So, anyway, all this bed swapping has made our bed routine totally screwed up. SO , it was getting to the point for me with Sol starting school soon (like 11 days!) and everything that I wanted the bed routine back set in stone and solid! So, it was getting very important to solve the bed crisis of '08, but we cannot afford the $450+ that bunk beds cost. I had an inspired thought, I thought "Hey lots of my friends have raved about Craigs list-maybe I should look there." I did, and by that night I had committed to buying a bed. As I said, we had not enough money, they are $450 plus once you get the bung frame thing and the mattresses and everything. So, This one was listed at $200 obo with both mattresses (the bottom is actually a full size futon). I told them I only had $150 and wondered if they would take that, and they did! Yeah!!! So, we took all the car seats out and the next night Wes went alone in the van to pick up said bed. This is what is is supposed to look like assembled: This is what it looked like in our house all day yesterday until Wes got home and we could put it together (not something I could have done alone-especially with 4 kids in tow!)

(Yes-that is K in the Boppy in the background...)

All put together...(Sorry no putting it together pics-Sol was not there with the camera-she was banished to the basement with her brothers to watch Enchanted so we could work!) Note the looks on Wes's face in these next 2 pics at the kids arrived upstairs to look at their new bed and to "help."
"I LOVE my bed-it is so efficient!!"

(When asked by mom what efficient meant, he told me it means "comfortable")
We put the sheet on the beds, and A wanted his another way-he is quite picky-this is him trying to put them how he wanted them (which I am still not clear on what his vision was-in the end we took the top sheet off and just let him sleep on the bottom sheet with his favorite blankie...)
Still lovin' my "efficient" bed...
Just checking in... Still working on the sheets...
STILL working...
Yeah-we are cute!
A was told he couldn't climb up-we knew this wouldn't last long, but thought maybe at least like a second or two...we were he is at the top milliseconds after we explained that he can't go to the top...


Stefanie said...

Armour, it is a lot easier to torment siblings from the bottom bunk... you want the bottom... and it appears to be a bigger bed... you want a bigger bed... there's no reason to got up top!

Stefanie said...

Thanks Solace, the pictures did not disappoint!

Andrea Griggs said...

The kids look like they're having fun!

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