Saturday, July 12, 2008


In the blog about the office/guest room, I neglected to mention what Armour's role in it was. though it is probably pretty evident...Here's what I forgot to mention. When I came down and found the locked, closed door, Armour was proudly looking at it and he said, "Mom, I dood it! I yocked da door!" (I am typing in his language-that means, "Mom, I did it, I locked the door!") then he looked at me (and I am sure noticed the shock and anger I was feeling and I am sure was showing on my face) and said "I go time out now..." And walked up to time out on his own.

And that folks, is life with a 2-yr-old (OK-not quite 2, but you get the picture).


Andrea Griggs said...

Thanks for the clarification-I was confused. . . I thought you told me he wasn't in the room, but then I got confused when I read it. . . . I'm glad he wasn't in the room-that would have been so much worse!

Melanie said...

"I go time out now......" HAHAHA! Funny kid! At least he knew what to do!

Stefanie said...

I think I skipped commenting on this yesterday, but I had to come back and read it again today because it made me laugh so hard yesterday that it deserved a second go around. I love that kid.

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