Friday, July 11, 2008

About that office/guest room...

Funny story about the room we now use as an office/guest room...

It is in the basement. It has no windows. It is the room that we had to get re-carpted when we moved is as it had grease stains from the previous owner's exercise machine that he kept in there. Now, we never met the seller/previous owner.

So, the first day we were in the house, the people came over to do our Internet. The guy in charge of the cable installation walked downstairs into that room, and came upstairs with a look of shock and amusement on his face. He asked me if I had ever met the previous owner. I said no. He told me he never forgot this house or the owner cause it struck him as so funny when he came to install the previous owners Internet that he had a huge exercise machine in there. Evidently, the previous owner was a huge, 6'6" blond cop that was obsessed with exercise...that made the fact that there are mirrors all over the house even funnier to me...

So, now, that being said, this is my son...he is almost 2, and he sure acts his age... This is my daughter, sleeping on the bed in the office/guest room. Isn't she cute? The other day she was happily sleeping there while the other kids were watching a movie, and I was trying to get things done. For some reason I thought, hmmm, maybe I should move her to her own bed and get her used to sleeping there. So, I picked her up and moved her.
This is what the room looked like when I came back down...
I know what you are thinking, so what?! The door is closed, big deal. Take note of a few things int his next picture...1-the keyed lock on the door. 2-the hinges are not on this side. 3-the screws on the doorknob are not on this side. I thought 2 thing-"Wow-good thing Kindle was not in there anymore!!" and "What the heck was this guy doing in his exercise room that he needed such security?!"
Well, I called our Realtor and asked if we could track down said seller and see if he had this key (we had already tried to get other keys from him which he did not have, so I thought this was a real long shot). It turns out I was right-he did not have a key, in fact he didn't know there was a lock on the door as he had never closed it because the exercise machine was too big and took up too much room to close the door.
So, we were down to 2 options-break it down ourselves or call a locksmith. Our Realtor, who evidently knows everyone in this city, suggested we call a place called Leapin Lizard Locksmiths. That's what we ended up doing...And look, now we have keys to that room...
And now we can all take a deep breath and a sigh of relief...


Rochelle said...

And how much DID it actually cost you?

beckee said...

Luckily it was a very reasonable locksmith-it was $40.

Andrea Griggs said...

So, was Armour in the locked room this whole time? I hope not! I'm glad Kindle wasn't-way to listen to the Spirit!

beckee said...

I should probably have clarified that he locked the door from the insinde, then pulled it shut behind him as he walked out! So, no he was not in there. If he was I would have talked him through opening it from in there.

Stefanie said...

... you have an awesome realtor...

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