Monday, July 7, 2008

Train Museum

We have a train museum here in town. It is a neat little place we only discovered shortly before we moved from here the first time. It is awesome! We had gone there with my mom before, but never with my dad. We knew he would love it as his dad used to work on the trains. I have heard my whole life stories about my dad riding on the train with the engineer to go visit his grandma in another city. He has fond memories of the trains, so we thought this would be a place he would love, and guess what? We were right! And as an added bonus, we kids and grand kids got to hear and see places like where he used to sit on the train and got to hear about him collecting tickets and stuff like that. It was a great activity and we had a blast! Here are a few pics!

The kids in the train (Sp, E & S)
Sp, S, E & A

Mel, Spence, & E in a real train car
Sp, A, & S in the train car
A looks out the window
The boys in a fancier car...
S & her Xiaxia & Papou

Me & A

Goofy Sol
Sp is "exploding " with fun. he he he
On the bus
E is bouncing with excitement-seriously.

Mel & S in the bus

My dad sitting where he used to sit when he rode the trains.
My parents
My parents
Lots of fun and an activity I highly recommend!


Andrea Griggs said...

Sounds and looks like a wonderful time-I wish I could have been there!

Stefanie said...

Wesley chose this outing didn't he?I especially love Ender's excitement! So very cute!

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