Friday, July 11, 2008

Homeowner at last....

This is our house:
This is the big tree in our front yard: When you move into your first house, after years of apartment dwelling, you quickly realize that you do not own near enough furniture to fill the house, nor do you own ANY necessary outdoor items to care for your lawn. It is confusing when the garbage people ask things like "Do you need to add yard waste to your regular trash?" and when you are confused by that question, they confuse you further with the question, "Well, is your lawn mower a mulching lawn mower or a bagged lawn mower?" Oh, you think, I need to get me one of those...So, we did...Here it is in it's place in our garage (take note that we also remembered to buy a weed eater/edger, and an extension cord for that. Also note that although it is not pictures, we also remembered to get a hose and sprinkler to water said lawn...)

Now, I'm not sure how it goes for most first time homeowners, but I do not even know enough about what I have to do yet, to know what I need to get to do it. So, back we went to the store the next day to get the fertilizer so we could get our grass green. Wes has very obsessively taken over lawn care and I am so very, very grateful! So, he wanted to get his grass greener. We very carefully read our instructions, set the little machine (see below) to let just the right amount of fertilizer out. He put the remains of the fertilizer bag in the garage, came back, and he was ready to go. started in the front and quickly realized that the fertilizer was going out much quicker than he expected...little did he know that in the 30 seconds it took him to put away the rest of the bag, our little Ender, interested in what dad was doing had changed the setting to the highest...whoops!
And here is the outcome of over-fertilization...dang!

In our move, somehow our little old TV got ruined, and as we are addicted to TV, we had to replace it. We went to Sears fully intending to buy the cheapest tube TV there, but as we were looking around, we found a GREAT TV that we couldn't pass up and now we own a plasma TV...I think that's the kind anyway...check it out... Picture courtesy or Solace...

Wesley's Birthday present/housewarming gift from my dad...(Sol took this pic too!)
It was less expensive to buy a bed then to get a hotel while visiting, so we now have a guest room/office in the basement...check it out...
BTW-all our furniture is in the basement, so when you walk into our house, it looks just empty-two big empty rooms right in the public eye when you enter...funny...but, that is a job for another day!

Funny looking, yes...but too bad, that is a job for another day!


Andrea Griggs said...

Yes, we had the same furniture problem when we moved into this house, we didn't have enough furniture to fill it. . . and we don't even have a finished basement yet! Yikes! I was wondering if Dad had to do with that BBQ purchase. :) Congrats on your new home, it looks lovely!

Lindsey said...

It looks like a beautiful home! Congrats!

Rochelle said...

All I have to say is, how come we forgot to come up and see how well the new TV works before we left...

The Mercer Family said...

Congrats on the home! Hoe dang fun. I know my brother had a few realizations exactly like yours when they moved into a home. It takes a lot of work to keep up a home! It looks amazing and I'm sure you'll love it there! Congrats again!

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