Thursday, July 10, 2008

Chubby, out of shape, ambitious...

So, I was on bed rest for a long time. Not that I am using that as an excuse or anything...But here's the thing, I am kinda chubby, and I pretty much weigh more than my exercise and diet obsessed husband at this point. (I may have mentioned at some point that he has lost over 50 pounds...) Also, I love food-seriously, love it...I basically start looking forward to my next meal as soon as I finish my current meal. However, overall I eat pretty healthy, and I have been trying to watch portions and count calories lately. I also have been trying to get back into the swing of exercising (which I hate). Wes wanted to live where we live so we are near trails and near cool recreation. I like the area as well, but knew it would mean Wes would be wanting to go for a lot of walks, nay, runs, rollerblading, biking...the whole schebang. I like to go on family walks-seriously, but it is also a hassle to do with 4 kids. So, I have to really get motivated and build myself up to going, and generally I don't go without Wes being the motivation.

That being said, I told Wes that I would be walking with the kids everyday to the lake (about 3 miles round trip). However, the first day in our new house, we went for a family walk to the lake, and guess what I remembered?! Near the lake is full of nasty mosquitoes-another thing I hate. It was just one more frustration, and another reason not to go there. Well, a couple days ago (after 2 weeks of me not taking the kids on the daily lake walk), Wes came home and said "Have you and the kids gone on your walk yet? If not we should all go now." So off we went, but this time I wanted to walk on the trail the opposite way from the lake. We did a bit and it was less stressful as there were less bugs, and less busy street involved.

On that walk, I realized that there is a grocery store and a red box a couple miles down the path. We went home and looked up about how far on the trail/streets it would be. We discovered that according to the map it looked like it was about exactly 2 miles from our house, (half on the trail, and half on the sidewalk by a busy street) to the grocery store. A bit long, but do-able. So, I said I might walk over there with the kids this week, fully intending not to.

This morning, I was evidently feeling ambitious because I decided to go for the gold and walk with the kids to the grocery store. Just a couple things I learned on the walk:

1-Because of the twists of the trail, it is definitely more then 2 miles to the grocery store.
2-We walked more then 2 miles (that's one way BTW-not round trip), and were still a ways away from the store before I turned around.
3-For such a flat, flat state, this is quite an uphill walk.
4-My kids do not walk, they only run, and I have to contain a couple of them, so poor Armour ends up stuck in a stroller rather than walking, and poor me, I end up jogging (to keep up with the big kids) while pushing a big kid and a baby in a car seat in the heavy stroller (which also has a huge diaper bag hanging off it).
5-There is a really good sandwich shop not too far from my house that I can walk to (it's actually about a 2 mile walk) or if I am not in the mood for walking, and I totally want a sandwich, they totally deliver!! NICE!! I grabbed a delivery menu-yum!

So, after a couple miles on a trail, then a few uphill blocks on a very old and crazy sidewalk later, we turned around, stopped for lunch, and trekked back to the house. I can testify to all that I am in fact greatly out of shape. It was REALLY hot and humid out. Combine that with my chubby, out of shape body, and I was a gross sweaty mess at the end. As were the walking kids.

Check us out at the end:
You have to see this pic big to truly appreciate how sweaty he is...that hair style is all due to the sweat...oh yeah!
He fell on the way home and insisted we include a pic of his bleeding knee...
Sweaty princess

Can you tell the difference between the walkers and the riders?!

Will we walk again? Will we ever make it to the Red Box?!
Those are questions for another day my friends!

1 comment:

Andrea Griggs said...

Wow-you are ambitious. I have a hard time walking to my mailbox in this heat! Good work!

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