Saturday, July 26, 2008

Birthday Fun: The Cake..

So, friends, yesterday when we were making the cake, Army decided to "help" by frosting himself a cupcake...check it out...
"Um...Hi mom, I dood it myself!" Here he is explaining about it...
There it is-well done, no?!
He also tried to cut a piece of cake with the frosting spreader...
We seriously have like 50-100 pictures that look like this...
Solace took them as I was decorating the cake.
See the band-aid on my finger? Yeah-I cut my finger...dang...
Pre-hair cake (pics by Solace still...)

Kindle chillin...
Too cute & funny not to share-yesterday we bought the lids each a hat (they were on super sale). When I checked on Ender after bed time, he was wearing his and had his book propped up on his knees...

Army checking out cake Army.
"Don't we look the same?! (Ok maybe not, but humor my mom, ok?!)"


Spencer said...

You actually have 50 or 100 pictures of Solace taking pictures of you while you were making the cake?

Laura said...

You're such a great mom! I don't think I would have been able to make such a great cake! Too cute!

Andrea Griggs said...

I'm very impressed-that cake looks awesome! And, Armour, did a great job frosting that cupcake!

Stefanie said...

Nice work all around.

Eric said...

That cake is so cute! Happy Birthday Armour!

Audrey said...

That last comment was from me... I didn't know I was under Eric's account. He wishes Armour a happy birthday too though :)

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