Saturday, July 26, 2008

Birthday Fun: Cake

At the end of the day, we ate cake and ice cream right before bed...

"Look mom, fire."
I did not have any birthday candles, I forgot them, so he got to blow out a smelly decorative candle...

Diaper changes before bed
(Random side note: It is kinda hard to tell in this picture, but I have observed in the past week or so that Kindle looks just like William Shatner when she screams...)

"Mom, take a picture while I pose like I am calm."
(To quote Wes, check him out-he is intensely calm...)

Night Night 2 year old!


Andrea Griggs said...

Cute Cute! I think that's great you used smelly decorative candles. I have used just plain matches before when I couldn't find birthday candles!

beckee said...

We had no matches either-just those long lighter things...

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