Friday, September 12, 2008

Random Tag...

OK, so my sister-in-law tagged me. I am supposed to tell you 6 random things about me. I may have done this in the past, it might be similar...

1-Whenever I meet new people and I am supposed to tell them something unique about me, I always either tell them that I taught drama where they filmed High School Musical or that my husband's cousin (2nd cousin) wrote and directed Napoleon Dynamite. I decide which one to share based on my audience.

2-I do not like to pray in public, like in front of people. Whenever they ask me to pray in sacrament meeting I pretty much have panic attacks from the second they ask until the prayer is over. I would rather speak or sing, or run the whole darn meeting...go figure!

3-I am an insomniac...or maybe a night owl...I don't know which, but I don't sleep until late...or early depending on how you look at it, and thus am always tired!

4-When I was little I did not watch cartoons. Seriously-not at all. I had never heard of most of the classic cartoons of my youth until I was an adult...

5-I am a total klutz! Always have been!! Here is the bruise on my leg to prove it:

What happened you ask? I was running up the stairs to get a screaming baby and tripped over my own dang foot and smacked my calf against the top step that has metal over the corner-oh yeah-I am a true klutz!!

6-I am the resident handyman...Generally speaking, when something goes wrong with our home, I am more inclined to mess with it and try to fix it myself first, whereas Wes is more inclined to just call the appropriate expert in. Maybe that is a sign that I see myself as an expert in everything!

I tag: Melanie, Cassie H. & Laura N. (I only leave Andrea out cause Stef already tagged her)


Andrea Griggs said...

I totally forgot that Stefanie tagged me, I'll have to do this now. . . by the way, about 4 of the things you wrote, I could have written-maybe we are more alike than I thought!

Stefanie said...

I was feeling good about this tagging thing 'til I read Andrea's comment....
I was thinking about how my dad was showing you how to fix everything while we were out there a few weeks ago, it made me smile.

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