Thursday, September 11, 2008

More than one comedian here!

Ya know I always share the crazy comedy of my oldest son, but lets face it, he has a little brother that is equally funny. Yes, they have different personalities, and yes, Ender is a bit louder overall and very vocally funny. Armour's humor is often a bit more subtle...for those of you that know Wes & Ty, you will understand that Ender is more of a Tyson, and Armour is more of a Wesley when it comes to their sense of humor. No less funny-just a bit more subtle. Here are a few of the funny thing our youngest boy has done recently:

On Solace's first day of school he dressed himself for school backpack and all and asked me to take pictures of him posing just like Solace

At the air and space museum he went nuts on this little "fly a plane" thing and was moving so fast and so crazy that I could not get a clear picture. He had a ball! Check him out, blurry and all:

Self portrait taken at the quilting bee to keep himself busy.
And here he is just looking cute:
And here is his most recent antic. This is Armour's dad:

So, lets face it people, guys are hairy (usually) and as you can see, though Wes is lacking hair on his head, he is not lacking on his body. It is just a fact! (BTW-if you are squeamish about body hair, this is not the story for you!)
(As a very funny and very random side note, I feel I should insert here a little story of my past. As a young teenager, one week in Young Womens we were asked to write a list of the qualities we wanted in our future husbands. The first few "qualities" I wrote were 1-He must be at least 6' 4", 2-He cannot be bald, 3-He cannot be all hairy on his body. Wes and I have gotten a few laughs out of that list...I have since then reassessed and I love my 6'1" hairy bald man!!!)
So back to Armour...

The other day, Wes was laying on his stomach, and Armour lifted up Wes's shirt and started scratching his dad's back, and after a minute, he started grabbing individual strands of hair from Wes's back and pulling them out. I watched with interest to see what he would do next.. After he pulled out about 10 hairs, he walked around to Wes's head and started carefully placing the hairs on it. I laughed and laughed when I realized that he was trying to help Wes to stop being bald. It was a simple transfer, right?!...even funnier was how upset Armour was when Wes explained that it wouldn't work. He was like "But dad-you are bald only on your head!" He was pretty sure he could fix it-just another way he is like his dad-he sees a problem and isn't happy until he solves it. I wonder what he will try next-maybe one of Solace's dress up wigs-who else wants to see Wes with long red Ariel hair?! Silly...

I think he is hilarious, and so does he! See:


Andrea Griggs said...

I love that last picture-what a cutie! I would like to see Wes in Solace's red Ariel wig. . . . I'll just be waiting.

Laura said...

I love the hair story! I'm married to a bald, hairy man too and it's the best!

Stefanie said...

I do, I want to see Wes in Solace's red Ariel wig. What do we need to do to make that happen?

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