Monday, October 27, 2008


I am a blogging slacker-part of my problem is that I cannot find my cord to upload my pics and I want to post pics about what we have been up to. But, I thought I could tell a story or two anyway. This picture is actually from the museum, but you will find that it expresses so much about this short tidbit.
Last Sunday (Ok actually the one before yesterday-the 19th) Wes and I were sleeping in, so we were still in bed when Ender woke up. He came in and asked if he could watch PBS kids on our TV. Wes said, "Actually no, because it is not on this morning, today is Sunday and you need to get ready for church." Ender's face fell, began to look like that picture and as he ran out into the hall way he yelled, "Oh Dear! Not againnnnnnnnnn!"
It was hilarious, and I hope not one of those had to be there things...if it is, sorry...just know, we laughed and laughed!


Andrea Griggs said...

I love that picture of Ender-seriously. He is so expressive, what a sweet face. That's a funny story.

Natalie said...

LOL! I feel that way when I'm trying to iron everyone's clothes and locate shoes and socks.

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