Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Valas...mega mart of pumpkin patches!

So, 2 weeks ago we had a playgroup at Vala's pumpkin patch, which as one of my friends said on her blog is "like a Halloween amusement park." It is a pumpkin patch that over the years has expanded out and now has hayrack and train rides, pig races, a petting zoo, shows and all kinds of "haunted" attractions (houses, play areas, etc.). We went to it while Solace was at school and here are a few of our good adventures of Vala's (we did have a bad, horrible adventure in that Armour's $50 of birthday money was stolen, but we are going to just ignore that and post our fun adventures!! I didn't take any pictures after the money was gone anyway-just packed up, freaked out, talked to them, and left!) Anyway-here's a small part of Vala's! Oh-I should note it was the day after a TON of rain, so though it did not rain that day, it was sure a muddy day!!!

Muddy wet play area.
How tall are we?!

This is the dragon in the dragon show. It consisted of a couple corny jokes, then a pumpkin being placed in his mouth, raised up and thrown to the ground to smash...literally smashing pumpkins...
Note the pumpkin about to be dropped.
The picture says it all...
Petting zoo-yes that is a camel...real, live, messy, muddy camel...
Cute and cuddly baby girl!
More animals
Ender is going to be a vampire and thought this joke was awesome, so he stood by it and posed in his best vampire growl (It says something like "How do you know a vampire has been to the donut shop? All the jelly has been sucked out of the jelly donuts.")
Ender took this on the hay rack ride to pick our pumpkins-read: this is right before we got really muddy...
Hayrack ride
Just a dino tail
On the train

"Witches brew"

Just thought this was cool!
Whistle blowers!!


I am Laura said...

sorry about the money, looks like you had a fun time up until that point.

Andrea Griggs said...

What a fun place to go, that's awesome! I'm sorry to hear about Armour's birthday money though, that stinks.

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