Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Daddy/Daughter soccer league practice

This video was taken a couple weeks ago (yes I am that far behind on our blogs-I have not been able to get the pics on the computer until last night). It is just over a minute of cute fun play time with her dad-she also talks a lot in it.


Lindsey said...

That's too cute! She's getting so big!

I am Laura said...

Very cute and fun.

Andrea Griggs said...

Cute-gotta get 'em excited about sports while they're young!

Stefanie said...

Love it!! She is too cute! (if that is possible)

Melanie said...

That is so cute! It makes me want to come visit you so I can hold her! She is a cutie!

Sarah Coyne said...

Future Manchester United player! She sure does have a great kick!

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